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From MCC Island Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:CosmeticDescription/Data/doc

return {
	["Adventurer's Staff"] = "Perfect for starting your journey.",
	["Adventurers Staff (Forest)"] = "Push ahead, adventurer!",
	["Ancient Potion"] = "Don't drink this on an empty stomach.",
	["Ancient Staff"] = "The winds whisper to you...",
	["Anemone"] = "Fist full o' clowns..",
	["Archeologist Brush"] = "Not a solution to the copper problem!",
	["Arm Cannon (Buccaneer)"] = "Fire!",
	["Arm Cannon (B.W.B 8000)"] = "Abbreviated from: 'Big Water Blaster'<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Arm Cannon (Chicken Ballistics)"] = "Squawk!!",
	["Arm Cast"] = "You're not actually hurt; you just like collecting signatures.",
	["Atomic Armor"] = "Packs a megaton of punch!",
	["Banana"] = "Peanutbutter jelly time!",
	["Baseball Bat"] = "1! 2! 3 Strikes! You're out!",
	["Spiked"] = "She is a thirsty bat!",
	["Battle Axe"] = "1d8 slashing or 1d10 if using two hands.",
	["Beach Bucket"] = "Time to build a castle! Very slowly.",
	["Beam Sword"] = "The formal weapon of a Knight-Champion, though the order has long since been forgotten.",
	["Beam Sword (Dual)"] = "Your power has been honed into this weapon with one fate: to be Champion.",
	["Blockle Tea"] = "\"Have a beautiful day ;3\"",
	["Blowtorch"] = "For when duct tape fails!",
	["Bone Claw"] = "Erm, acktually claws are generally comprised of keratin.",
	["Bone Club"] = "Good for bonking those who disagree with you.",
	["Bone Spear"] = "Pointy. But that's the point, right?",
	["Book"] = "\"...leaving them the last of their team. The future champion sprinted behind a wall narrowly avoiding their opposition's arrows. Our hero quickly decided that...\"",
	["Book (Spellbook)"] = "A powerful tome, once locked away, now set loose.",
	["Boombox"] = "Life of the party on the go.",
	["Bouquet"] = "Ready to be flung upon a stage or given to your beloved.",
	["Box o' Explosives"] = "When I said I wanted a boom-box, this isn't quite what I had in mind..",
	["Box o' Explosives (Nuclear Meltdown)"] = "The most toxic way to punch your opponents.",
	["Boxing Glove"] = "It's ready to give a knockout!",
	["Briefcase"] = "I make a nickel, boss makes a dime. That's why I play Minecraft on company time!",
	["Briefcase (Looter)"] = "This bad boy can fit so many riches inside of it.",
	["Bubble Fist"] = "That was surprisingly effective!",
	["Burger"] = "Burgers But Fast, on the go!",
	["Burger Staff"] = "Rule with honour, valour and extra pickles.",
	["Cacti Cane"] = "Just make sure you wield it at the right end.",
	["Camera"] = "Smile and say \"Spider Eye!\"",
	["Candy Cane"] = "Both jolly and minty!",
	["Candy Flow"] = "I have the power of sugary treats on my side.",
	["Chainsaw Hand"] = "Groovy!",
	["Chamberstick"] = "Light the way..",
	["Cheese Skewer"] = "Swiss, Cheddar, Brie, what more could you ask for?",
	["Chicken Wing"] = "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!",
	["Chicken Wing (Hot!)"] = "This isn't what you meant when you said \"spicy\"!",
	["Choco Shield"] = "Great protection from anything except heat.",
	["Claim Flag"] = "Ah, yes, the best faction: The Crossing Chickens.",
	["Claim Flag (Feathers)"] = "Made from 100% real chickens.",
	["Climber's Pick"] = "Scale the tallest (and coldest) of mountains!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Crafted after climbing the greatest of heights on MCC Island.",
	["Cloud Fist"] = "Also known as a 1-1-1.",
	["Cloud Fist (Heavenly)"] = "This fist carries the might of the divine.",
	["Cloud Fist (Lightning)"] = "Float like a cirrus, sting like a cumulonimbus!",
	["Cloud Fist (Stormy)"] = "I know dark clouds have gathered 'round me.",
	["Clown Mallet"] = "Violence doesn't solve problems. But it's fun!",
	["Clown Mallet (Spiral)"] = "Packs a squeak.",
	["Coffee Mug"] = "You're not you 'till you've had your cup.",
	["Comet Fist"] = "One punch will wipe out a planet's worth of reptiles.",
	["Comically Large Spoon"] = "It's a spoon, and it's comically large!",
	["Comically Large Spoon (Wooden)"] = "Being a rat chef is so difficult, the utensils are too large!",
	["Constellation Cartographer"] = "Counting the stars individually for 1e+99 days!",
	["Coral Fist"] = "Feel the life and heart of the ocean swimming around you.",
	["Coral Trident"] = "I'm sure the mermaid you stole this from didn't need it anymore.",
	["Cosmic Sword"] = "Contains the energy of ten supernovae!",
	["Cotton Candy"] = "You mean candyfloss? Or fairy floss? Dad's Beard? Who cares; it's delicious!",
	["Crab Claw"] = "Have you ever done the crab dance?",
	["Crowbar"] = "Wake up and smell the ashes...",
	["Crow's Perch"] = "Quoth the Crow \"This isn't my line!\"",
	["Cupcake Staff"] = "In this realm; Cupcakes hold all the authority.",
	["Cupcake Staff (Spearhead)"] = "A sweet treat with a fierce blade atop.",
	["Cutlass"] = "Gimme yer loot or taste my blade!",
	["Cutlass (Ashen)"] = "Guide the way, or flay.",
	["Cyclops Fist"] = "A bit smelly, but still good for punching.",
	["Dart Bracer"] = "BRACE FOR... darts?",
	["Donut"] = "Isn't it just a frosting-covered bagel..?",
	["Donut (Sprinkled)"] = "Your food is no match for my frosted sprinkled doughnut!",
	["Drill Arm"] = "This drill is my soul! It's also my hand!",
	["Dynamite Stick"] = "Big booms come in small packages.",
	["Dynamite Stick (Bundled)"] = "Why are you holding it?? Are you insane??",
	["Dynamite Stick (Isotope)"] = "Powers Portal Projection!",
	["Dynamite Stick (Nuclear)"] = "Be careful not to drop it.",
	["Exo-Arm"] = "For heavyweight problems! (And sometimes fighting aliens.)",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Red Rabbits)"] = "Red is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Orange Ocelots)"] = "Orange is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Yellow Yaks)"] = "Yellow is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Lime Llamas)"] = "Lime is pretty cool.",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Green Geckos)"] = "Green is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Cyan Coyotes)"] = "Cyan is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Aqua Axolotls)"] = "Aqua is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Blue Bats)"] = "Blue is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Purple Pandas)"] = "Purple is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Wooden (Pink Parrots)"] = "Pink is the best color!",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Red Rabbits)"] = "You're a true Rabbit.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Orange Ocelots)"] = "You're a true Ocelot.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Yellow Yaks)"] = "You're a true Yak.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Lime Llamas)"] = "You're a true Llama.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Green Geckos)"] = "You're a true Gecko.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Cyan Coyotes)"] = "You're a true Coyote.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Aqua Axolotls)"] = "You're a true Axolotl.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Blue Bats)"] = "You're a true Bat.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Purple Pandas)"] = "You're a true Panda.",
	["Faction Flag - Solidified (Pink Parrots)"] = "You're a true Parrot.",
	["Fairy Wand"] = "There're a lot of things worth protecting.",
	["Feathery Arm"] = "Not capable of helping achieve flight.",
	["Fire Axe"] = "Here's Stevie!",
	["Fire Extinguisher"] = "If you douse a Noxcrew employee and they're not on fire, you're off the island.",
	["Fire Fist"] = "Shouting your attack name is mandatory.",
	["Fire Fist (Energy)"] = "Hadoken!",
	["Fire Fist (Soul)"] = "My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow!",
	["Fire Fist (Violet)"] = "Fire!",
	["First Aid Kit"] = "The best way to prevent a disaster is to be prepared for one.",
	["Flower Staff"] = "Where'd you pick this, it's massive!",
	["Flower Umbrella"] = "If you think this flower is big, wait 'till you see the rest of the forest.",
	["Foam Finger"] = "We're number 1!",
	["Franken-Fist"] = "It's alive.. and punching!",
	["Frying Pan (Sunny Side Up)"] = "Eggcellent!",
	["Fungal Staff"] = "Don't lean on it too much, or it'll crumble.",
	["Gauntlet"] = "Throw down the gauntlet! ...but try not to damage it.",
	["Gauntlet (Elemental)"] = "Aw snap!",
	["Gauntlet (Gamer)"] = "Now you're playing with power!",
	["Gauntlet (Starforged)"] = "May the stars surge through you.",
	["Golden Statue"] = "This is probably more valuable than that bag of sand anyways.",
	["Guild Banner (Knight)"] = "Bring me a shrubbery!",
	["Guild Banner (Viking)"] = "Were the coolest seafarer's before pirates!",
	["Gummi Paw"] = "Never high-five a real bear.. Gummy bears though? Sure.",
	["Hair Dryer"] = "A shame it's not wireless. Otherwise you might be able to do something with it.",
	["Hammer (Welding)"] = "Build your own destiny.",
	["Handbag"] = "Robbers may think you easy prey, but this bag is really full of bricks ready to swing!",
	["Handbag (Shoulder)"] = "Messenger bag? Shoulder pouch? ...It's a Purse.",
	["Harpoon"] = "To the last I grapple with thee!",
	["Harpoon (Sharkbait)"] = "What a catch!",
	["Harpoon (Sunken)"] = "The long-abandoned weapon of a deep-sea explorer.",
	["Heart Wand"] = "Spread the power of love with this magical wand, but be careful not to overuse it.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Obtained during the 2024 Pride Fundraiser.",
	["Hive Fist"] = "Pretty gross, but thats what makes it effective.",
	["Holosword"] = "This blade moves faster than the light it's made of.",
	["Holosword (Evolved)"] = "The destroyer of controllers and friendships.",
	["Holosword (Serrated)"] = "The extra slicing potential isn't really necessary but looks cool-as-heck.",
	["Holosword (Slayer)"] = "Intense metal music follows where you tread. As well as a trail of destruction.",
	["Hot Chocolate"] = "It's hot; it's chocolate.. what's the problem?",
	["Hot Dog"] = "Is it a sandwich? Or a taco?",
	["Hydroblaster"] = "Some say it's super at soaking.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Hydroblaster (Squidtek)"] = "A Squidtek agent's weapon of choice.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.info_blue\"> Upgrades your main weapon skin in the Sky Battle Remix: Water Fight!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Ice Cream"] = "How can there be any \"sin\" in sincere?",
	["Ice Cream (Cherry-Chocolate-Whip)"] = "Peak Perfection.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Ice Cream (Triple Scoop)"] = "Chocolate, Vanilla, and whatever you want in-between!",
	["Infernal Pitchfork"] = "Lightly toast your enemies.",
	["Jackhammer"] = "H-h-how d-d-do i-i t-turn i-it o-off!?",
	["Jawbone Saw"] = "9/10 dentists recommend.",
	["Jellyfist"] = "A very slimy punch!",
	["Jester Cane"] = "Sometimes we all need a laugh.",
	["Jungle Machete"] = "Let's get hacking, chop chop!",
	["Kanabō"] = "An ancient mythical weapon used by the Oni.",
	["Kanabō (Cursed)"] = "Contains the screams of a thousand trapped souls.",
	["Kanabō (Gilded)"] = "A gold-lined war club, desired by the richest of Oni.",
	["Katana"] = "A replica of the greatest swordsmith's finest creation.",
	["Katana (Cherry Blossoms)"] = "This blade was retrieved in its current form from a young cherry tree. Its destiny is to-be-realized.",
	["Knight Shield (Emblem)"] = "No one really understands why this provides the same benefit as a wooden shield.",
	["Knight Shield (Goldshire)"] = "Worth its weight in gold. For obvious reasons.",
	["Knight Shield (Ornamental)"] = "Our noble house, opulent and imperial, ruled the Battle Box for generations.",
	["Knight Shield (Wooden)"] = "Fire-treated basswood with a good varnish and lovely coat of paint.",
	["Lantern"] = "Go the chains.",
	["Lantern (Haunted)"] = "It's still swaying, even though there's no wind? Must be a ghost.",
	["Lasso"] = "If only there were horses on the Island...",
	["Lava Fist"] = "HOT! HOT! HOT!",
	["Lollipop Staff"] = "A weapon to some; a delicious treat to others.",
	["Lollipop Staff (Chancellor)"] = "Behold; the great chocolate chancellor!",
	["Lollipop Staff (Minty)"] = "Keep your breath nice and fresh!",
	["Lollipop Staff (Sticky)"] = "I wonder how many licks it would take?",
	["Lotus Lantern"] = "Not what I meant when I said fire flower...",
	["Lunar Claw"] = "Dig your way to the core!",
	["Mace"] = "You'd prefer to get stabbed or chopped than hit with one of these things.",
	["Magician's Wand"] = "Abracadabra!",
	["Magnifying Glass"] = "Please stop tormenting the ants!",
	["Microphone"] = "Always listen to the guy with the microphone.",
	["Milkshake (Summer Lemon)"] = "Simply the zest!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Mixing Claw"] = "Brewing a delicious delight!",
	["Mjölnir"] = "You are worthy.",
	["Mjölnir (Charged)"] = "Storm, earth, and fire! Heed my call!",
	["Mjölnir (Nordic)"] = "A more traditional look for a modern classic.",
	["Mjölnir (Thunder)"] = "Call down the thunder!",
	["Money Bag"] = "Hello! I like money.",
	["Money Bag (Overflowing)"] = "Loadsamoney!",
	["Munchflower Arm"] = "Great at singing, even better at eating people.",
	["Munchflower Arm (Ashen)"] = "This thing packs more of a burn than a bite.",
	["Nectar Fist"] = "A bit sticky, but good on toast!",
	["Oar"] = "Row your boat!",
	["Oar (Shipwrecked)"] = "I don't think we can save the boat..",
	["Paint Palette"] = "All the colors you need to paint happy little trees!",
	["Paintbrush"] = "Paint the town whatever color you like.",
	["Paintbrush (Mega)"] = "Leave your mark.",
	["Paper Umbrella"] = "The wagasa will protect you from evil spirits. And sunlight.",
	["Paper Umbrella (Blossoms)"] = "Soaked in oil to strengthen and make water-resistant.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Parkour Warrior Mastery Challenge.",
	["Paper Umbrella (Cherry Tree)"] = "Spring beneath cherries, feel the wind blow petals past, the gentle spring blooms.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Parkour Warrior Mastery Challenge.",
	["Paper Umbrella (Sakura)"] = "Mi Ni Yu Ka N.",
	["Parkour Staff"] = "Awarded to adept parkour students.",
	["Parkour Staff (Bamboo)"] = "A hand-forged staff made from bamboo personally tended to by sages of the Parkour Mountains.",
	["Pirate Hook"] = "Got my eyepatch when a seagull pooped in my eye. 'Twas the day after I got me hook!",
	["Pirate Hook (Gold-Trim)"] = "Looting in style!",
	["Pirate Hook (Phantom)"] = "A ghoulish remnant of a swashbuckling legend.",
	["Pixel Pusher"] = "Knock those blocks down a level!",
	["Pizza Slice"] = "Cowabunga!",
	["Plague Doctor Staff"] = "Pointy doctor stick keeps peasants at distance.",
	["Plague Doctor Staff (Steampunk)"] = "The ultimate tool of death and despair.",
	["Planetary Projector"] = "The solar system at your fingertips.",
	["Playing Cards"] = "Is this your card!? No? Crud.",
	["Popcorn"] = "The large is really cheap; but watch out for their expensive sodas!",
	["Popsicle"] = "Try not to think about how similar it feels to the HITW slime.",
	["Popsicle (Friend-Shaped)"] = "I mean, they're not even trying to hide it at this point...",
	["Popsicle (Frozen)"] = "Perfect for a summer afternoon treat!",
	["Popsicle (Giga)"] = "One of these and you're a happy camper.",
	["Popsicle (Mascot)"] = "NOOO! Don't turn me into a marketable popsicle!!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Popsicle (Triple Blast)"] = "Three flavoured delight!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Poseidon's Trident"] = "You hold the trident, you make the rules.",
	["Prismatic Blade"] = "I have the power!",
	["Prospector Pick"] = "Digging for gold!",
	["Pumpkin Bucket"] = "Trick or Treat!",
	["Pumpkin Scooper"] = "We're gonna need a bigger pumpkin.",
	["Quackshot"] = "In this line of work, no shots are fowl.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Rat Claw (Disguise)"] = "Real fake claws!",
	["Rat Claw (Mecha)"] = "Zooming toward the nearest cheese deposit.",
	["Rat Claw (Zombie)"] = "Itchy, Tasty, Scratchy..",
	["Ray Blaster (Alien)"] = "We come in peace! You come in pieces.",
	["Rescue Paddle"] = "Just keep swimming.",
	["Road Sign"] = "You shall not pass! (due to transport laws)",
	["Road Sign (Go)"] = "Do what it says! GO!",
	["Road Sign (Route 66)"] = "With the sign missing, Island Route 66 has been closed while a replacement is made.",
	["Road Sign (Warning)"] = "For certain reasons, you are legally mandated to display this accessory as a warning for other players.",
	["Rose"] = "Behold! My garden.",
	["Competitor's Safety Pad"] = "It's important to stay safe when competing in high-contact games like Hole in the Wall.",
	["Competitor's Safety Pad (Slimed)"] = "It's clearly seen some use.",
	["Sai"] = "When one is kicking butt, one does not think.",
	["Sai (Ignited)"] = "Everything is cooler when it's on fire (ironically).",
	["Scavenger King's Staff"] = "The great leader of rat-kind",
	["Scavenger's Fork"] = "I wield the kitchen utensil! You do not.",
	["Scepter of Singularity"] = "The mysterious power of a mini black hole is contained within this scepter.",
	["Scuba Watch"] = "Scanning the perimeter for.. fishy friends!",
	["Scythe"] = "You shall sever their heads like that of a farmer threshing grain.",
	["Scythe (Wraith)"] = "Perfect for harvesting the souls of the living. ",
	["Seed Pouch"] = "Revitalize the forest!",
	["Selfie Stick"] = "Smile! You're on camera!",
	["Sewing Needle"] = "Sorry, I'm a bit tied up right now.",
	["Shuriken"] = "Hira-shuriken are typically made from old coins or washers. This one was specifically crafted as a hidden hand blade.",
	["Shuriken (Deadaim)"] = "Three throws, three strikes!",
	["Believer"] = "They can't stop all of us!",
	["Skateboard"] = "Skaters gonna skate.",
	["Ski Pole"] = "Cruise the slopes!",
	["Skull Orb (Crystal)"] = "What, this? You should see my crystal dragon skull.",
	["Skull Orb (Golden)"] = "What ancient secrets lie within... oh, you're selling it?",
	["Skull Orb (Stone)"] = "I do most of my pondering in my skull... orb.",
	["Slime Fist"] = "This is what happens when you punch your own hole in the wall.",
	["Slime Fist (Toxic)"] = "You should really wash your hands...",
	["Slushy"] = "Sluuuuuuuuuuurp!",
	["S'more"] = "...are you gonna eat that?",
	["S'more Staff"] = "MEGA MALLOW!",
	["S'more Staff (Charred)"] = "Too hot to handle!",
	["S'more Staff (Royalty)"] = "The scepter of gooey goodness!",
	["Solar Staff"] = "The power of the sun in the palm of your hand.",
	["Solar Staff (Ancient)"] = "Pulsing with the undying power of one who speaks to the gods.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Crafted in the secret depths of an ancient desert.",
	["Space Slime"] = "Slime, but in SPACE!",
	["Sparkler"] = "Great for birthdays, holidays, and worrying your mother.",
	["Spatula"] = "Through grease and gristle, this'll get the job done!",
	["Spatula (Giga)"] = "There is no spatula.",
	["Spell Shield"] = "A simple spell but quite unbreakable.",
	["Spell Shield (Solar)"] = "Instantly vaporises anything that touches it.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Spyglass"] = "Land ahoy!",
	["Star Sailor's Staff"] = "Fighting in the name of Love & Justice!",
	["Star Sailor's Staff (Crescent)"] = "Sail us to the moon!",
	["Star Shield"] = "Assemble!",
	["Starbeam Laser"] = "You don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off!",
	["Starfish Staff"] = "Spread the magic of deep-sea starfish!",
	["Surfboard"] = "Surf's up, dude!",
	["Surfboard (Crown)"] = "I'm the ruler of the seas!",
	["Surfboard (Palms)"] = "Ride the waves with a beautiful sunset.",
	["Surfboard (Squidtek)"] = "Their Inventors tampered with this one. It looks.. powerful.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Surfboard (Suns' Out)"] = "Surfboards.. also out?<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Toolbox"] = "Everything you need for some bangin' DIY handywork.",
	["Toy Horse"] = "Ride like the wind!",
	["Rainbowcorn"] = "Isn't it spectacular?",
	["Retro"] = "Grab-o-matic!",
	["Traffic Light"] = "Ready? Set? Go!",
	["Traffic Light (Junction)"] = "Ready?Ready?Ready?Ready? Set?Set?Set?Set? Go!Go!Go!Go!",
	["Treant Fist"] = "It's not a branch, it's a fist!",
	["Treat Tracker"] = "Scanning for scrumptious doggy delights!",
	["Shaman Staff"] = "Direct spirit energy to heal your friends or harm your foes!",
	["Tropical Shell"] = "I can hear the sounds of... the city?",
	["Trowel"] = "Dig yourself a grave.. or a pretty flower bed!",
	["Twig"] = "No really, it's just a twig. Why do you have this?",
	["Umbrella"] = "Raindrops aren't falling on my head. 'Cuz I have an umbrella!",
	["Umbrella (Beach)"] = "Perfect day for a stroll by the sea!",
	["Umbrella (Gothic)"] = "It'll never rain on my black parade.",
	["Uranium Slicer"] = "The only thing hard enough to slice it is... itself.",
	["Viking Shield"] = "Odin is with us!",
	["Viking Shield (Battleworn)"] = "Battle-proven sturdy!",
	["Viking Shield (Black)"] = "React and don't hold back!",
	["Viking Shield (Dragon)"] = "Jörmungandr devours his own tail as he circles the world.",
	["Viking Shield (Knotwork)"] = "Celtic in origin and used as a sign of physical and mystical protection.",
	["Void Fist"] = "The fist of the abyss..",
	["Volcano Torch"] = "Dipped into boiling lava, this torch burns brighter than most.",
	["Voodoo Doll"] = "Control your enemies! Wait, is this thing just a toy?",
	["Waffle Shield"] = "Breakfast guardian!",
	["Watering Can"] = "A plant's best friend!",
	["Wheel of Destiny"] = "Any way you spin it, it's coming up heads... getting bonked.",
	["Witch's Broom"] = "Even the wicked have to clean up after themselves",
	["Witch's Broom (Wicked)"] = "Crooked and nasty, just like it's owner. No offense.",
	["Witch Staff (Forest)"] = "In tune with the trees, and channel 9.",
	["Wizard Staff"] = "Who needs material components when you have an arcane focus?!",
	["Wrench"] = "Those bolts were loose when I found them!",
	["Wrench (Giga)"] = "The heaviest adjustments need the best tools.",
	["Wrench (Pipe)"] = "Belonged to some Italian plumber.",
	["Zeus Bolt"] = "SMITE!",
	["Zeus Bolt (Blue)"] = "Deep down, we all know that electricity isn't yellow: it's blue.",
	["Zeus Bolt (Catch!)"] = "If you're not gonna throw it, what's the point?",
	["Zeus Bolt (Lightning)"] = "None can hide from the wrath of the thundergod.",
	["Angry!"] = "Blow it out your ear!",
	["Armor of Darkness"] = "My soul is black as the bottomless void!",
	["Founder's Aura"] = "Let's continue to create something wonderful!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for supporting MCC Island during Closed Beta.",
	["Block of Ice"] = "T-t-the c-c-cold never b-b-bothered m-m-m-me...!",
	["Concentrating"] = "Crouch to concentrate.",
	["Cuckoo"] = "I twee a pweety birdee...",
	["Expressions"] = "You aren't two-faced. You're every-faced!",
	["Flutter"] = "I do wanna be a chicken.",
	["Hover Rings"] = "Flight and similar abilities can produce ring-shaped energy anomalies.",
	["Hover Rings (Rainbow)"] = "Color is uncontained and uncontrolled.",
	["Hover Rings (Rainbow Pulse)"] = "The world around you blooms.",
	["MCC Coin"] = "*These Coins do not affect final score.",
	["MCC Score"] = "Due to confusion in awarding coins that were not kept, gem-shaped photons called \"score\" are used to keep track of placement in games.",
	["Ranked Aura"] = "This power shows a love of MCC Island!",
	["Ranked Aura (Greater)"] = "This power shows a passion for competing in MCC Island!",
	["Smelly Lines"] = "Pee-ew! You stink!",
	["Smoke Cloud"] = "You must be fire; 'cuz where there's smoke...",
	["Sparkle"] = "Snow? Stardust? Whatever it is, it's shiny!",
	["Storm Cloud"] = "I wear the storm that is approaching.",
	["Super Star"] = "Look! It's the champion! Can we get a photo!?",
	["Tentacles"] = "The darkest depths are surprisingly colorful",
	["Tentacles (Striped)"] = "One beast with all the colors.",
	["Tentacles (Strobe)"] = "The crustaceans have had their fun. Time for Tentacle Rave!",
	["Tornado"] = "You're not in SMP anymore.",
	["Aquatank"] = "Refill for battle!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Art Easel"] = "What will you paint today?",
	["Burger Backpack"] = "Everything's a pocket!",
	["Butterfly Wings"] = "Flutter and flap!",
	["Candelabra"] = "Be our guest.",
	["Candy Contraption"] = "Dime for Delicacy!",
	["Choco Cloak"] = "Worn by only the wackiest and wonkiest.",
	["Climber's Pack"] = "The kind of supplies that help you reach for the skies!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Crafted after climbing the greatest of heights on MCC Island.",
	["Construction Pack"] = "A little to the left!",
	["Cosmic Wings"] = "Soar across space in style!",
	["Explorer Backpack"] = "I hope I packed those extra rations..",
	["Fairy Wings"] = "Glimmering with pixie dust!",
	["Game Buddy"] = "This version comes with a backlight!",
	["Gilded Serpents"] = "Twisting with the undying strength of one who once conquered the darkness.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Crafted in the secret depths of an ancient desert.",
	["Griddle Pack (Golden)"] = "Sheen, mean grilling machine!",
	["Infernal Wings"] = "Rise from the fiery depths..",
	["Jellyfish Tendrils"] = "You definitely don't want to be touching these!",
	["Jolly Gifts"] = "Spread the holiday cheer!",
	["Lifebuoy"] = "Always prepared to save a life!",
	["Lil' Gummi"] = "Lil' Gummi! He's super yummy!",
	["Munchflower Leaf"] = "Good for collecting rain water.",
	["Oni Armor (Cursed)"] = "Protection for some; a curse for others.",
	["Poseidon's Cloak"] = "Wear the noble cloak of the ruler of Atlantis.",
	["Prickly Pal"] = "Your very own prickly friend to the end.",
	["Prospector Pack"] = "Packing lunch and an explosive punch!",
	["Rat Tail"] = "Become one with the Scavengers.",
	["Recon Drone"] = "Scanning for [SWEET LOOT]",
	["Scavenger King Jr."] = "Fanfare follows this tiny rodent ruler everywhere he goes!",
	["Scrap Cloak"] = "Made with scraps of cloth & lots of love.",
	["Scuba Tank"] = "For when you just need a breather.",
	["Ship Wheel (Ashen)"] = "It's more decorative than functional, unless you're insane.",
	["Singularity Core"] = "Oh, here it comes. It's a matter-eater!",
	["Snowtube"] = "For use on snowy slopes ONLY.",
	["Star Sailor's Tutu"] = "Protecting the Galaxy one serve at a time!",
	["Swarm Basket"] = "I'd recommend keeping this closed. Unless you like locusts?",
	["Tail of Wisdom"] = "Imbued with the knowledge of a thousand generations.",
	["Beehive"] = "I cannot beelieve you'd wear this...",
	["Toybot"] = "The most fuel-efficient robot ever built!",
	["Witch Cauldron"] = "Brewing up something wicked, or a nice chicken noodle soup.",
	["Archeologist Rod"] = "I wonder if there are any fish fossils down there...",
	["Coral Rod"] = "Suprisingly alive for how long it's been out of the water.",
	["Fairy Rod"] = "As graceful as most, but much shiner!",
	["Fungal Rod"] = "It's a bit overgrown, but it'll do.",
	["Jungle Rod"] = "Gosh, this thing is heavy!",
	["Pirate Rod (Ashen)"] = "Plunder the seas of its fish! I mean treasure!",
	["Gilded Rod"] = "Glimmering with potential! But not pearls.",
	["Twisted Rod"] = "Did it just blink?",
	["Winter Rod"] = "Don't worry, the icy center is sealed off, this is safe to use in all climates.",
	["Witch Rod"] = "Beware, or I'll cast a, well, line.",
	["Basic"] = "The hairstyle without the style.",
	["Bun"] = "Now i'm hungry.",
	["Fade"] = "Highschool is out!",
	["Full Beard"] = "Also called 'The Lumberjack.'",
	["Goatee"] = "No relation to actual goats.",
	["High Top"] = "You got a haircut and wound up with this!?",
	["Long Sleek Hair"] = "98, 99, 100 brushes!",
	["Ponytail"] = "I was expecting a pony. I feel betrayed.",
	["Undercut"] = "And a fade on the sides.",
	["Wavy"] = "Also known as 'Type 2' hair. Look it up.",
	["Amish"] = "Technology not included.",
	["Bangs"] = "Why are we still here? Just to suffer?",
	["Beetle"] = "Fear and Love.",
	["Bob"] = "Also called the Robert.",
	["Braid"] = "Bonding activity bonding.",
	["Curly"] = "The other two stooges couldn't make it.",
	["Dreadlocks"] = "Now with 20% more dread!",
	["Elder"] = "Comes with a lifetime of wisdom and out-of-date advice.",
	["Emo"] = "I'm just a kid.",
	["Monk"] = "Om",
	["Pigtails"] = "Such a cutie!",
	["Rat Tail"] = "Dedicated to a rat who believed that anyone can cook.",
	["Soft Rocker"] = "Born to soothe.",
	["Viking Beard"] = "Happy Leif Erikson Day!",
	["Wizard Beard"] = "8d6!? Count me in!",
	["Noxstache"] = "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.",
	["Hogan"] = "Fear no man, no beast or evil, brother.",
	["3D Glasses"] = "Wow, it really looks like that monster is coming after me!",
	["8-Ball (Classic)"] = "Outlook good.",
	["8-Ball (Golden)"] = "Take the shot!",
	["8-Ball (Holographic)"] = "The magic glowing means its more correcter.",
	["Alien Visor"] = "I have been chosen!",
	["Anemonelly"] = "Brimming with life!",
	["Antlers"] = "Get 8 more friends with these, and you can pull a sled!",
	["Arcade Cadet"] = "Ready to take on the high score.",
	["Archeologist Cap"] = "The perfect hat for fossil hunting.",
	["Army Helmet (Colonel Cluck)"] = "Kentucky trained.",
	["Astronaut Helmet (Solar System)"] = "Waiting in the sky.",
	["Astronaut Helmet (Star-Ranger)"] = "To infinity and.. somewhere further!",
	["Atomic Adventurer"] = "Perfect protection for a nuclear wasteland!",
	["Banana Head"] = "Behold! For I am Potassium-Man!",
	["Banana Head (Crazy Nana)"] = "Go bananas.",
	["Banana Head (Peeled)"] = "Potassium-Man!? You're naked!",
	["Bandana"] = "Don't push it, or I'll give you rivalry you won't believe.",
	["Bandana (Blindfold)"] = "Fifty shades of complete darkness.",
	["Baseball Cap"] = "It might not be a sport on the island, but the hat is just as functional!",
	["Baseball Cap (Logo)"] = "This hat doesn't need words to express \"You're #1!\"",
	["Baseball Cap (Black Logo)"] = "You've unknowingly taken the first step toward becoming the Dark Champion.",
	["Beanie"] = "A staple of warm headwear",
	["Beanie (Double Stripe)"] = "Double the doubled color, double the doubled fun!",
	["Beanie (Rana)"] = "Made via croaket.",
	["Beanie (Stripe)"] = "Double the color, double the fun!",
	["Bear Head"] = "No honey to be found, so I suppose you'll have to do.",
	["Beret"] = "Popular among mimes, hide-and-seek enthusiasts, and the French.",
	["Founder's Crown"] = "Go show the world what you're made of, champ!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for supporting MCC Island during Closed Beta.",
	["Birthday Slice"] = "A tasty slice! Why eat it when you could wear it on your head.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Obtained during MCCI's 1st Birthday.",
	["Blowdart"] = "KER-THUNK!",
	["Blubberfish"] = "Clearly the prettiest animal on earth.",
	["Boater"] = "I feel a song coming on!",
	["Boom Cap"] = "Mind. Blown.",
	["Bucket Hat"] = "*Does not hold water.",
	["Bucket Hat (Cat Ears)"] = "Nyow that's a cool hat!",
	["Bucket Hat (Floral)"] = "It's a lovely day to be outside.",
	["Bucket Hat (Frog)"] = "Ribbit!",
	["Bucket Hat (Strawberry)"] = "Let's be honest: it's the best fruit.",
	["Bucket Hat (Striped)"] = "The snug colored ribbon helps to keep the hat secure on your head.",
	["Burger Cap"] = "Burgers but Fast's #1 fan!",
	["Burger Head"] = "Mmm... Burger.",
	["Burger Head (Monarch)"] = "It's a royal with cheese.",
	["Butterfly Antennae"] = "Man, I thought these things would have better reception...",
	["Candy Bot"] = "Carefully concocting a tasteful taffy treat!",
	["Candy Cat"] = "It's super duper yummy!",
	["Candy Hood"] = "Inside this wrapper is one sweetheart <3",
	["Cardboard Box"] = "With a little imagination, you can do anything.",
	["Cardboard Box (Robot)"] = "Laaaaaame!!",
	["Cardboard Box (Scribbles)"] = "It's not just a box; it's a friend.",
	["Cardboard Box (Undercover)"] = "It's a very important tool for infiltration missions.",
	["Cat Ears"] = "Meow?",
	["Cheese Hat"] = "Juste un chapeau de fromage !",
	["Chef's Hat"] = "What's cookin, good lookin?",
	["Chef's Hat (Lil' Chef)"] = "The rat can't actually cook, we just have a pest problem.",
	["Chef's Hat (Tall)"] = "For the Chef de Cuisine. The taller the hat, the more important the chef.",
	["Chicken-Copter"] = "Sadly, it can only lift the weight of a chicken.",
	["Chicken-Copter (McSquawk)"] = "There's no problem McSquawk can't cluck their way out of!",
	["Chicken Head"] = "No longer headless!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a TGTTOS Mastery Challenge.",
	["Chicken Head (Cyborg)"] = "I'll be bock.",
	["Chicken Head (Familiar)"] = "Careful you don't get mistakenly whacked. It's a real problem.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a TGTTOS Mastery Challenge.",
	["Chicken Head (Golden)"] = "Does it lay golden eggs?<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a TGTTOS Mastery Challenge.",
	["Chicken Head (Clucktoons)"] = "Cluck! Cluck!",
	["Chicken Head (Zombie)"] = "Night of the Living Rotisserie.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a TGTTOS Mastery Challenge.",
	["Choccy"] = "Loves chocolate, whipped cream and a cosy winter night.",
	["Choco Chancellor"] = "Only wear at room temperature.",
	["Climber's Hood"] = "Always protecting you from the elements.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Crafted after climbing the greatest of heights on MCC Island.",
	["Clown Mask"] = "Send in the clowns.",
	["Twisted"] = "I want to play a game. But not Build Mart.",
	["Comet Head"] = "Raging across the galaxy.",
	["Competitor's Helmet"] = "Protect your nogged and all the brains (or lack thereof) inside!",
	["Competitor's Helmet (Slimed)"] = "Authentic wall slime included!",
	["Computer Head"] = "HELLO WORLD",
	["Coral Crown"] = "Reef Royalty!",
	["Cosmic Visor"] = "The finest warrior in the quadrant!",
	["Cosmic Visor (Solar Navigator)"] = "I'm seeing stars! Wait, no- that's just my virtual map of the galaxy!",
	["Cowboy"] = "Yee haw!",
	["Cowboy (Cactus Ranger)"] = "The pundit of prickly pests.",
	["Cowboy Hat (Gilded)"] = "The richest cowboy to ever live.",
	["Cowboy (Outlaw)"] = "You don't get to cheat at the games and have good things happen to you.",
	["Cowboy (Sheriff)"] = "There's a new hat in town.",
	["Crab Hat"] = "Pinch Pinch!",
	["Crocodile Head"] = "You must either be stupid or very brave.",
	["Crusader"] = "Praise the sun!",
	["Crusader (Black Knight)"] = "Not dead yet!",
	["Crusader (Celestial)"] = "Champion of the Sun.",
	["Crusader (Sunlord)"] = "Praise the games!",
	["Cupcake"] = "It's hard to resist the constant urge to eat your hat.",
	["Cupcake (Choco)"] = "Chocolatey!",
	["Cupcake (Knight)"] = "Protector of the Candy Kingdom!",
	["Cyclops"] = "As a warning, my stomach is bigger than my eye.",
	["Desert Turban"] = "Keep cool under that blazing sun.",
	["Detective"] = "Someone stole the detective's hat; but he's on the case!",
	["Direwolf Cap"] = "Leader of the pack, or just a poser?",
	["Disguise"] = "Who are you?",
	["Diving Helmet"] = "Deep sea music constantly echoes around this helmet.",
	["Diving Helmet (Raptured)"] = "A protector from a long lost atlantis.",
	["Diving Helmet (Sunken)"] = "Grab some glowing seaweed and you could terrify some meddling kids!",
	["Drinking Helmet"] = "Your favourite beverages, now hands-free.",
	["Egg Yolk"] = "For when you just.. crack.",
	["Egg Yolk (Fried)"] = "Sunny side up! Just the way you like it.",
	["Elf's Hat"] = "Don the attire of a mischevious worker from a wintery workshop.",
	["Exo-Helmet"] = "Protecting you from extraterrestial threats since 2179!",
	["Explorer's Hat (Overgrown)"] = "It's part of the look, I can't brush it off!",
	["Eyeball"] = "I spy with my colossal eye...",
	["Faction Beanie (Red Rabbits)"] = "Welcome to the winning team.",
	["Faction Beanie (Orange Ocelots)"] = "Welcome home.",
	["Faction Beanie (Yellow Yaks)"] = "Welcome to the family.",
	["Faction Beanie (Lime Llamas)"] = "You ready to cause some chaos?",
	["Faction Beanie (Green Geckos)"] = "Welcome to wherever life leads you.",
	["Faction Beanie (Cyan Coyotes)"] = "Welcome to the pack.",
	["Faction Beanie (Aqua Axolotls)"] = "Welcome to a new world.",
	["Faction Beanie (Blue Bats)"] = "Welcome to training.",
	["Faction Beanie (Purple Pandas)"] = "Welcome to MCC Island.",
	["Faction Beanie (Pink Parrots)"] = "Welcome to the skies.",
	["Faction Face (Red Rabbits Ears)"] = "No challenge is impossible.",
	["Faction Face (Orange Ocelots Ears)"] = "No one will outsmart you.",
	["Faction Face (Yellow Yaks Horns)"] = "No one gets left behind.",
	["Faction Face (Lime Llamas Ears)"] = "Everything can be funny.",
	["Faction Face (Green Geckos Eyes)"] = "Nothing goes unseen.",
	["Faction Face (Cyan Coyotes Ears)"] = "No member of the pack is left unheard.",
	["Faction Face (Aqua Axolotls Gills)"] = "No depths go unexplored.",
	["Faction Face (Blue Bats Ears)"] = "Nothing will surprise you.",
	["Faction Face (Purple Pandas Ears)"] = "No mystery unsolved.",
	["Faction Face (Pink Parrots Wings)"] = "No boundry is too far.",
	["Feathery Cap"] = "Very tr-tr-ACHOO-trendy.",
	["Fenrir"] = "Free at last.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Battle Box Mastery Challenge.",
	["Fenrir (Fire)"] = "Betrayal fans the flames of his endless rage.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Battle Box Mastery Challenge.",
	["Fenrir (Steelwulf)"] = "Breaking a certain green box made fenrir Metal Fenrir!",
	["Fez"] = "Named for the city of Fez.",
	["Firefighter's Helmet"] = "A fire? Get 'em!",
	["Fishbowl"] = "The environmental hydration unit is technologically complex and not just a glass bowl.",
	["Fishing Hat"] = "Champions want me, Fish fear me.",
	["Flight Helmet"] = "The helmet itself can't fly.",
	["Flower Crown"] = "Think of life like the seasons.",
	["Flower Crown (Glimmering)"] = "The rarest of flowers make up this crown.",
	["Tropical"] = "Handcrafted with lovely Hibiscus flowers.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Football Helmet"] = "Blue! 24! Hike!",
	["Frank Jr."] = "Oh please, Dr. Frankenstein was my father.",
	["Potion Frenzy"] = "I LOVE SWIFTNESS POTS!",
	["Frog Friend"] = "Kisses appreciated, but not necessary.",
	["Fruit Crown"] = "A champion can't be without a basket and a plethora of fruit!",
	["Furball"] = "Cute, but just don't pet it, okay?",
	["Gas Mask"] = "*unintelligble muffled quote*",
	["Gas Mask (Hazmat)"] = "Always be protected when handling Hazardous Materials!",
	["Gas Mask (Nuclear)"] = "A little too much exposure to the elements.",
	["Gas Mask (Toxic)"] = "1v1 me, bro.",
	["Gearhead"] = "Get those gears turning!",
	["Gnome"] = "I'm g'not a gnelf!",
	["Gnome (Botanical)"] = "G'This Gardener Gnome G'knows G'his Greens.",
	["Goggles"] = "Perfect for mischief goblin welding!",
	["Goggles (Over-Eye)"] = "Much more effective if worn properly.",
	["Goggles (Tinted)"] = "The world looks nicer with rose-tinted goggles.",
	["Goggles (Tinted Over-Eye)"] = "It's easier to see the rose-tinted world when you actually wear the tinted goggles.",
	["Graduate"] = "Highschool is out!",
	["Gumball Head"] = "Full of sweet surprises!",
	["Gummi"] = "Your gelatin bestie! Until you eat them..",
	["Hairbow (Peppermint)"] = "It kind of just sticks to your head..",
	["Halo"] = "Be not afraid.",
	["Halo (Candy)"] = "Do candies go to heaven?",
	["Hard Hat"] = "Protecting noggins since 1882.",
	["Hard Hat (Construction)"] = "Can we fix it? Not until we get clearance...",
	["Hard Hat (Headlight)"] = "Why haven't they put something like this in base Minecraft? It'd be so useful!",
	["Hard Hat (Miner)"] = "It's home from work we go!",
	["Haunted Doll"] = "I'll be your best friend... FOREVER.",
	["Hayseed (Haunted)"] = "Some call him the 'Wickerman'",
	["Alien Antennae"] = "Peace among worlds!",
	["Headphones"] = "Pump up the volume to your heart's content!",
	["Headphones (Cat Ear)"] = "Purrfect starter headgear for streaming!",
	["Headphones (Gaming)"] = "Wearing these will *not* make you better at the game.",
	["Headphones (Squidtek)"] = "Do squids even have ears..?<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Hothead"] = "You won't like me when I'm angry...!",
	["Hothead (Cheri)"] = "She's the bomb!",
	["Hothead (Explode)"] = "You've done it now!",
	["Hothead (Skelly)"] = "Skulls usually means danger, right?",
	["Hunter Cap"] = "Quite cozy!",
	["Beetleface"] = "If you just stay still, it won't sting you...",
	["Jellyfish"] = "Don't touch it, and definitely don't put it on your head!",
	["Jester"] = "You are the entire circus.",
	["Jungle Sprout"] = "Quick, yank it out of the earth!",
	["Kitsune Mask"] = "Which are you: a human that becomes a fox? Or a fox that becomes human?",
	["Kitsune Mask (Black)"] = "Inari's followers have many forms.",
	["Knight Helmet"] = "You may not be a bird, but you have a lovely plume.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Battle Box Mastery Challenge.",
	["Knight Helmet (Darklands)"] = "You stand among the littered inventories of the fallen.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Battle Box Mastery Challenge.",
	["Knight Helmet (Goldshire)"] = "In hindsight, a shiny golden helmet that makes you stand out is probably gonna make everyone shoot at you.",
	["Knitted Hat"] = "Made with grandma's love.",
	["Knitted Hat (Black)"] = "A more proper winter color.",
	["Knitted Hat (Red)"] = "Fit for the fall!",
	["Krate"] = "This crate's got a head full o' dynamite.",
	["Krate (Atomic Menace)"] = "He eats uranium for breakfast.",
	["LARR-E"] = "Lunar.Area.Ranking.Rover-Explorer",
	["Lay-Ka"] = "Not the first pup to space, but definitely the most adorable!",
	["Leaf Crown"] = "I expect this won't stay green for long.",
	["Lotus Crown"] = "King of the flowers!",
	["Mascot Head"] = "At the end of the day, you should just be the person you want to be.",
	["Mascot Head"] = "I paid $<misc_total_spent> <flavor_text>to prove that my head is bigger than yours.",
	["Master Frog"] = "Known as the heavenly climber, the sage of 1,000 leaps, and the unblinking king of mountains.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Parkour Warrior Mastery Challenge.",
	["Master Frog (Golden)"] = "The most sacred relic of the Parkour Warriors.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Parkour Warrior Mastery Challenge.",
	["Master Frog (Statue)"] = "Normally you look at and don't wear a statue, but who would judge you?",
	["Mechanic's Cap"] = "Let's get you up and running again!",
	["Mega Whip"] = "Better get in a few games before it melts!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Mega Whip (Sundae)"] = "It's too tempting at this point..<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Mellowhead"] = "The most harmless thing. Something that could never ever possibly destroy you.",
	["Mellowhead (Crackers)"] = "Mellow in the middle!",
	["Mellowhead (Monarch)"] = "Ruler of the Marshlands.",
	["Mellowhead (S'more'd)"] = "Grant me your VENGEANCE!!",
	["Moai Head"] = "Best described as an overly large head...",
	["Moai Head (Grooving)"] = "An absolute banger.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Mobster"] = "This is a hat you can't refuse.",
	["Motorcycle Helmet"] = "Stay safe; wear a helmet.",
	["Motorcycle Helmet (Daredevil)"] = "For some reason you thought this was a good idea.",
	["Motorcycle Helmet (Stuntmaster)"] = "Prepared to take on the most daring of acts.",
	["Mummy Mask"] = "16 = 48 rolls!",
	["Munchflower Sprout"] = "A plant with a blossoming appetite.",
	["Munchflower Sprout (Ashen)"] = "Toasty, but in a nice way.",
	["Night Vision Goggles"] = "Fisher, do you copy?",
	["Night Vision Goggles (Arachno)"] = "The Amazing Spider-Vision",
	["Night Vision Goggles (Dual)"] = "You only have two eyes? Lame.",
	["Nurse's Cap"] = "Remember to not say \"we hope to see you again\" after discharging a patient. You don't want them to get hurt again. Right?",
	["Octopus"] = "This splits your brain into 9 parts and moves one part into each tentacle.",
	["Oni Mask"] = "The oni hides behind many things--including this very mask.",
	["Oni Mask (Cursed)"] = "What's with the eye?",
	["Oni Mask (Elder)"] = "It whispers scary stories about humans under the bed.",
	["Oni Mask (Sakura Blossom)"] = "Ripped from the pages of ancient folklore",
	["Palette Cap"] = "Once adorned by an esteemed artist known only as V.",
	["Parkour Cowl"] = "Now go, parkour warrior! Show us your skills!",
	["Parkour Cowl (Ninja Frog)"] = "You look a little green around the gills.",
	["Party Hat"] = "Party like it's November, 2011!",
	["Party Hat (Striped)"] = "Put a little zing in your party!",
	["Ancient Headpiece"] = "Glowing with the undying greed of one who once ruled the sands.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Crafted in the secret depths of an ancient desert.",
	["Pilot's Hat"] = "Ready to fly?",
	["Pirate Hat"] = "Yar har fiddle dee dee!",
	["Pirate Hat (Ashen)"] = "Your enemies will fear you, because you must be insane to wear this.",
	["Pirate Hat (Barnacles)"] = "I am the sea! No, I\"m not just too lazy to clean my hat.",
	["Pirate Hat (Feathered)"] = "You can put that in your hat and wear it! And you did.",
	["Pirate Hat (Phantom)"] = "A little thing like \"death\" won't keep you from sailing the seas!",
	["Plague Doctor"] = "An apple a day keeps this nightmare away.",
	["Plague Doctor (Steampunk)"] = "Do step right up and receive the good doctor's miracle elixir and tonic!",
	["Plunderer's Bandana"] = "Yarr part of the crew now!",
	["Plunderer's Bandana (Skull)"] = "Fear me, for I have a terrifying icon of doom on my forehead!",
	["Police Cap"] = "Keeping the island safe from cheaters.",
	["Police Cap (Automaton)"] = "Come quietly, or there will be.. trouble.",
	["Police Cap (Beret)"] = "You want stars? I'll give you stars!",
	["Police Cap (Constable)"] = "'Ello 'ello, what's all this then?",
	["Poseidon's Crown"] = "God of Sea, Storms, Earthquakes and Horses.",
	["Potted Tree"] = "As long as I stay perfectly balanced...",
	["Propeller Hat"] = "Can it fly? Probably not...",
	["Prospector Cap"] = "Light the way through the caverns!",
	["Pumpkin Spirit"] = "What strange energy is contained within this ordinary pumpkin...",
	["Mystical"] = "Spreading friendship and magic wherever they roam.",
	["Ram Horns"] = "These horns are made for ramming! And that's just what they'll do!",
	["Raptor Skull"] = "Wearing this does not make you as cool as this raptor was.",
	["Rat Head (Disguise)"] = "You had me fooled.",
	["Rat Head (Mecha)"] = "Scavenger Mecha Squad, Unite!",
	["Rat Head (Zombie)"] = "This rat has found a new delicious craving..",
	["Rock on Head"] = "Why are you wearing this?",
	["Rocky Rocket"] = "Knows how to make an entrance.",
	["Rocky Rocket (Radioactive)"] = "One supersonic rocket.",
	["Rubber Ducky"] = "You make bath time lots of fun!",
	["Heart Glasses"] = "Nothing like a bathe in the sun.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Sabertooth Cap"] = "IT'S EATING ME!!",
	["Safari Hat"] = "It's safari time!",
	["Sailor Hat"] = "All hands on deck!",
	["Sailor Hat (Striped)"] = "What's a sailor without their stripes?",
	["Samurai Helmet"] = "Also called a kabuto. Which literally means helmet.",
	["Sandcastle Crown"] = "A sandy kingdom on your scalp!",
	["Winter Scarf"] = "A cozy scarf to ward off those chilly winds!",
	["Scavenger King's Crown"] = "Great King Rat!",
	["Scrap Crown"] = "Makeshift leadership!",
	["Scuba Headgear"] = "Discover what lies at the deepest depths of the ocean.",
	["Sea Shell"] = "Often the home to hermit crabs, or reclusive gamers.",
	["Sea Shell (H.E.R.M.I.T)"] = "A mechanical home for a mechanical decapod.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Sensei"] = "Witness the way of the Dragon.",
	["Sensei (Stripe)"] = "Sages can accessorize too!",
	["Shades"] = "The kind of shade you wear, not throw.",
	["Shades (Anime)"] = "My sword will pierce the championship!",
	["Shades (Cool)"] = "Sun's out, guns out!",
	["Shades (Popstar)"] = "Let's go party!,",
	["Shades (Sunset)"] = "Beautiful bliss.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Shark"] = "They're gonna need a bigger Island.",
	["Shell Crown"] = "Bestowed only upon the most worthy of beachdwellers.",
	["Shroud"] = "For the royal desert explorer.",
	["Shroud (Infernal)"] = "Even the most dastardly of demons need protection from the heat.",
	["Shroud (Looter)"] = "Equipped with only the best loot-navigating gear around.",
	["Shroud (Piercing Eyes)"] = "30% more shadow and 80% more mystery!",
	["Shroud (Voyager)"] = "Explorer of the deepest depths of the abyss.",
	["Shroud (Wraith)"] = "Nice to meet you, my name's Death.",
	["Ski Goggles"] = "\"No, dummy! For the robbery we need ski masks! Masks!\"",
	["Ski Helmet"] = "I feel very safe... but I can't see out of these!",
	["Skull Crown (Crystal)"] = "Probably not cursed. Probably.",
	["Skull Crown (Golden)"] = "Fashionable, but impractical.",
	["Skull Crown (Stone)"] = "What kind of milk turns your bones to stone?",
	["Skull (Flaming)"] = "Feels like my head is on fire. 'Cuz it is!",
	["Skull (Scallywag)"] = "I'm a pirate! Or.. was, at least.",
	["Head in the Wall"] = "Jumping through all those holes, this was bound to happen eventually.",
	["Head in the Wall (Toxic)"] = "You'll never have to wonder why your head is permanently stained.",
	["Slimeling"] = "\"We do WHAT with these things?\"<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Hole in the Wall Mastery Challenge.",
	["Slimeling (Familiar)"] = "Oozing with nostalgia!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Hole in the Wall Mastery Challenge.",
	["Slimeling (Kawaii)"] = "I'm not a bad Slime!",
	["Slimeling (King Slime)"] = "There are many bosses, but only one is royalty (pre-hardmode).<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Hole in the Wall Mastery Challenge.",
	["Slimeling (Loot)"] = "Free stuff, sweet! If only I could get to it...",
	["Slimeling (Magma)"] = "Factory-grown using essence extracted from the Nether, redstone, and another special compound.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Hole in the Wall Mastery Challenge.",
	["Snapback"] = "How do you do, fellow kids?",
	["Snapback (Sidesnap)"] = "Style at a jaunty angle.",
	["Snorkel"] = "Ready to go diving for underwater treasure?",
	["Snorkel (Bubbles)"] = "Blub. Blub. Blub.",
	["Sombrero"] = "This \"shadower\" provides ample shade.",
	["Space Slug"] = "Looks like somebody forgot their helmet!",
	["Spartan"] = "This Is MINECRAFT!!!",
	["Spirit Orb"] = "Harness the power of the undead!",
	["Sprouted"] = "Needs plenty of sunlight.",
	["Sprouted (Bloom)"] = "A little sunlight and affection goes a long way.",
	["Squidtek Agent"] = "An elite aquatic agent.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Squidtek Visor"] = "Navigate through the deepest and darkest depths of the sea..<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Star Sailor"] = "Protector of Planets & Love!",
	["Star Sailor's Tiara"] = "Adorn my crown with hearts!",
	["Star Scouter"] = "Excuse me, I've got stars in my eyes!",
	["Stone Dragon Emperor"] = "Heavier than it looks. And it looks pretty heavy.",
	["Straw Hat"] = "Live the agricultural lifestyle.",
	["Strawberry Head"] = "Sweet and juicy!",
	["Sun Hat"] = "Did somebody say beach episode?",
	["Sun Hat (Bow)"] = "A bow is all it was missing.",
	["Sun Hat (Coastal)"] = "Credit to the kind lady who sold these sea shells on the sea shore.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Sun Hat (Gothic)"] = "Black is the new black.",
	["Sun Hat (Outline)"] = "Add a little more color to your accessory. Er, hat. Accessories are something different.",
	["Summer Shades"] = "You can never be too careful around that pesky sun.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Sun Visor"] = "Watch out for the sun!",
	["Sun Visor (Black)"] = "Converts sunlight into shade.",
	["Sun Visor (Lifeguard)"] = "No running at the pool!",
	["Sun Visor (White)"] = "You can't just run to the other side with sun in your eye!",
	["Sunny"] = "Surprisingly chill for 15 million degrees Kelvin.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.squidtek\"> Obtained during the Summer 2023 Event: Squidtek Invasion.",
	["Surgical Mask"] = "Keep your community safe by wearing this when you suspect that you are sick. Stay safe, and stay healthy.",
	["Surgical Mask (Head Mirror)"] = "Open up and say \"aah!\"",
	["Toadstool"] = "Thank you, but our princess is in another tournament!",
	["Toadstool (Fungi)"] = "This dude is quite the fun guy.",
	["Top Hat"] = "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed!",
	["Torch Head"] = "Good on cold nights, or while caving.",
	["Toybot (Retro)"] = "It came from a forbidden planet!",
	["Traffic Cone"] = "I'm walkin' here.",
	["Traffic Cone (Roadworks)"] = "For better visibility.",
	["Treant Mask"] = "I speak for the trees, in third person.",
	["Trucker Hat"] = "Look at my Trucker Hat.",
	["TV Head"] = "Never miss your favorite shows!",
	["TV Head (Lashes)"] = "How can you say no to this face?",
	["UFO"] = "We come in peace!...for now...",
	["Uncle Sam"] = "Star-Spangled Fashion",
	["Viking Helmet"] = "It's raiding time!",
	["Viking Helmet (Horned)"] = "Not historically accurate.",
	["Viking Helmet (Prestiged)"] = "Faction prestige not necessary but encouraged.",
	["Void Head"] = "An entity that consumes all!",
	["Waffle Stack"] = "You like waffles? ..So you hate pancakes?",
	["Welding Mask"] = "Welding Warrior!",
	["Welding Mask (At Work)"] = "Weld Safely!",
	["Wick"] = "They're feeling rather lit right now.",
	["Wicked Horns"] = "For when you're feeling rather evil.",
	["Wicked Horns (Curved)"] = "You are not prepared.",
	["Winged Helmet"] = "The true look for a warrior that fights in the skies.",
	["Winged Helmet (Gold Trim)"] = "The gold is fashionable, but the platinum inlay is functional.",
	["Winged Helmet (Thunder)"] = "This once belonged to the god of thunder. Now it falls to you to take up the mantle.",
	["Winged Helmet (Trim)"] = "No compromise on flash or function here.",
	["Witch Doctor's Mask"] = "Oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang-",
	["Witch Hat"] = "Bubble, boil, toil & trouble!",
	["Witch Hat (Forest)"] = "Stylish, fashionable, AND leafy?? It's too good to be true!",
	["Witch Hat (Striped)"] = "Beware of falling houses. And water.",
	["Witch Hat (Wicked)"] = "Something wicked this way comes..",
	["Wizard Hat"] = "I ghast fireball!",
	["Zeus"] = "The greatest of gods, the very pinacle of the heavens, and the father of so many demigods!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Sky Battle Mastery Challenge.",
	["Zeus (Athens)"] = "Know that no one is free, except Zeus.",
	["Zeus (Golden)"] = "I am the golden god! I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds!.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Sky Battle Mastery Challenge.",
	["Zeus (Lightning)"] = "Advice for living a long life: don't anger Zeus.",
	["Zeus (Marble)"] = "Treat statues with reverence, for they may house the spirit of greater beings.<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Sky Battle Mastery Challenge.",
	["Zeus (Stormy)"] = "He's not just throwing hands; he's throwing thunderbolts!<glyph:\"mcc:icon.tooltips.veteran\"> Awarded for completing a Sky Battle Mastery Challenge.",
	["Bunny Rod"] = "Bunnies don't eat fish, but neither do you! I wonder what they do with all the fish you trade in though...",
	["Crane Rod"] = "Building the future! If that future involves a lot of fish. ",
	["Cyber Rod"] = "Pulsing with energy that probably isn't radioactive. Probably.",
	["Harpoon Rod"] = "Cast your line, but if that fails, skewer that fish!",
	["Celebrator (Carnival)"] = "You're alive, so why not celebrate?",
	["Celebrator (Party)"] = "Happy birthday!",
	["Celebrator (Toned)"] = "They explode just fine, but the color is a little muted.",
	["Ember"] = "The flame is lit, now run!",
	["Flaming Footprints (Felflame)"] = "Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced!",
	["Flaming Footprints (Retro)"] = "You don't need to hit 88 to leave these flaming marks!",
	["Flaming Footprints"] = "Leave only ashes in your wake. And small piles of crispy leaves.",
	["Rainbow (Light Spectrum)"] = "Move through the color spectrum and leave it in your wake.",
	["Mastermind"] = "It's not gambling if you know you're going to win.",
	["Pixie Dust"] = "Pippity poppity puffs of pink.",
	["Clumsy"] = "There's a hole in your inventory!",
	["Rainbow"] = "Spread your fantasy world of wonder!",
	["Ranked Trail"] = "This power shows your need to help the MCC Island community grow!",
	["Ranked Trail (Greater)"] = "This power shows the will to be Champion!",
	["Color Picker"] = "Crouch to change colors!",
	["Flying Heads"] = "Your posse is flying behind you!",
	["Flying Heads (Eyeball)"] = "You'll keep an eye out. Or several.",
	["Flying Heads (Skull)"] = "Plucked from the bodies of fallen champions.",
	["Flying Heads (Flaming Skull)"] = "If this doesn't terrify your foes, they aren't going to be scared.",
	["Flying Heads (Laughing Skull)"] = "After a good ribbing, they won't stop laughing.",
	["Shredding Notes"] = "Service society by rocking!",
	["Smelly Cloud"] = "Yuck! Well, everyone knows who cut that one...!",
	["Smoke Cloud"] = "I smell smoke. And where there's smoke...",
	["Candy Tail"] = "Pretty pink sweets swishing around!",
	["Candy Tail (Light)"] = "A little lighter, a little sweeter.",
	["Candy Tail (Dull)"] = "The muted color just makes you stand out more!",
	["Candy Tail (Contrast)"] = "Such vibrant colors are a treat for the eyes!",
	["Valentine"] = "Love is in the air; and it's following you!",
	["Oscillation"] = "Infinite motion in perfect rhythm.",
	["Oscillation (Brine)"] = "Made of the tears of defeated competitors.",
	["Oscillation (Carnival)"] = "Throw me something, mister!",
	["Oscillation (Crimson-Olive)"] = "Something about this makes you feel festive.",
	["Oscillation (Deep Sea)"] = "Ebb and flow.",
	["Oscillation (Fey-Gold)"] = "Nature has such a regal dance.",
	["Oscillation (Royal)"] = "This trail is your divine right.",