Battle Box is a round-based team game, which involves capturing a central objective of 9 concrete blocks before the other team. Each game consists of four teams of four facing off in three 1-minute rounds. The team with the most score at the end of the game wins.
In order to win a round, teams must either completely fill the capture point with their coloured concrete blocks, or have more blocks placed than the other team. Killing the opposing players is not required to win the round, but awards some score. If neither team places any blocks or the same amount of blocks are placed by each team at the end of the round, the round is declared a draw.
The capture point is locked for the first ten seconds of each round, meaning the concrete blocks can not be broken.
At the start of the game, players can choose one of five different kit types relating to a specific play style. Each kit provides players with items relating to that specific play style and changes depending on the map being played. Depending on the kit and the map that's being played, they can provide the player with weapons, potions, arrows, sparks or orbs. Players can also pick up items within the maps to offer even more versatility in combat.
Score is awarded as so:
- 45 for personal eliminations.
- 480 (120 for each team member) to the team that captures the objective, or has the most blocks in the objective.
Combat Items[edit]
Orbs are similar to potions in that they apply effects when they're thrown, but they're unique in that they can be thrown much further and have a much larger radius. They also can have timed delays before applying their effect.
Orb Of Glowing
Throw an orb that explodes on impact making enemies in the blast area glow for 8s. You are affected if in the blast area!
Orb Of Levitation
Throw an orb that explodes on impact giving levitation that immobilizes enemies in the blast area for 2.7s. You are affected if in the blast area!
Orb Of Cleansing
Throw an orb that explodes on impact clearing all active potion effects off the affected enemies. You are affected if in the blast area!
Orb Of Regeneration II
Throw an orb that explodes on impact healing allies in the blast area for 4 over 2.4s. Effect heals you 50% less.
Timed Orb Of Harming II
Throw an orb that detonates after 2.2s damaging enemies in the blast 6 . You are affected if in the blast area!
Quick Timed Orb Of Poison
Throw an orb that detonates after 0.8s damaging enemies in the blast 5 over 3 seconds. You are affected if in the blast area!
Quick Timed Orb Of Blindness
Throw an orb that detonates after 0.8s blinding enemies in the blast area for 4s. Blinded players cannot sprint. You are affected if in the blast area!
Quick Timed Orb Of Levitation
Throw an orb that detonates after 0.8s giving levitation that immobilizes enemies in the blast area for 3.5s. You are affected if in the blast area!
Sparks are consumable items that apply potion effects upon use. They do not have a use-time, and activate immediately upon right-clicking. Sparks can only be used on the player holding them.
Spark Of Invisibility
Become invisible for 3s. Held items are still visible.
Spark Of Levitation II
Levitate youself 13 Blocks over 1.2s.
Spark Of Regeneration II
Heal yourself for 4 over 2.4s.
Spark Of Speed
Increase your movement speed by 60% for 1.8s.
At the start of the game, players can choose one of five different kits. Each kit provides players with unique items, such as crossbows, potions and cobwebs, relating to that specific play style and changes depending on the map being played. Kits cannot be changed after the game starts, but the player's items refill after each round.
There are 7 kit types in Battle Box, each with different strengths and weaknesses. The main difference between each kit is its weapons. All kits contain infinite concrete blocks, Leather Boots, and an Efficiency II Iron Pickaxe.
- Baller - Using your selection of orbs, control the battlefield with area effects!
(Focused on orbs and defense)
- Flanker - Dart behind the enemy and catch them off-guard using your agility!
(Focused on speed and offense)
- Gadgeteer - Never be unprepared with a special gadget for every occasion!
(Focused on traps and placeables)
- Healer - Keep yourself and your team in fighting shape to outlast the enemy!
(Focused on support)
- Scrapper - Hop into the fray and face your enemies head-on!
(Focused on close-quarters)
- Sharpshooter - Precision is your trademark; keep your distance and shoot them down!
(Focused on range)
- Trickster - Distract and disrupt the enemy with your stealth and tricks!
(Focused on sneaking)
Each map contains a selection of five of these types. Additionally, they each have different default items, given to players regardless of their kit, and the same kit on different maps may contain slightly different items to account for the gameplay differences of each map.
The list of default items, selection of kits and individual items within each kit can be found below.
Default Items: 8x Arrow
- Scrapper - Bow, Stone Sword, Spark Of Regeneration II, Quick Timed Orb Of Blindness
- Flanker - Quick Charge II Heavy Crossbow, Stone Sword, Depth Strider III Boots, 3x Spark Of Speed
- Trickster - Quick Charge I Heavy Crossbow, Stone Sword, 6x Cobweb, Spark Of Invisibility
- Healer - Bow, Knockback II Wooden Axe, 3x Orb Of Regeneration II, Spark Of Invisibility
- Sharpshooter - Quick Charge II Crossbow, 8x Arrow, 3x Orb Of Levitation, Spark Of Speed II
Gold Mine
Default Items: Stone Sword, Spark Of Levitation II, 8x Arrow
- Healer - Bow, 3x Orb Of Regeneration II
- Sharpshooter - Wooden Sword, Quick Charge III Heavy Crossbow, 2x Spark Of Speed
- Flanker - Bow, 6x Arrow, 3x Spark Of Speed
- Scrapper - Bow, Splash Potion of Harming, Spark of Regeneration II
- Gadgeteer - Quick Charge II Heavy Crossbow, 2x TNT, 5x Cobweb
Default Items: Stone Sword, 16x Arrow
- Flanker - Quick Charge II Heavy Crossbow, Timed Orb Of Harming II, 3x Spark Of Speed
- Baller - Crossbow, 2x Orb Of Glowing, Short Timed Orb Of Poison
- Gadgeteer - Quick Charge II Heavy Crossbow, 4x Cobweb, 2x TNT
- Sharpshooter - 6x Arrow, Quick Charge I Crossbow
- Scrapper - Multishot Heavy Crossbow, 3x Quick Timed Orb Of Blindness, Short Timed Orb Of Poison
Haunted House
Default Items: Quick Charge III Heavy Crossbow 12x Arrow
- Baller - Stone Sword, 2x Short Timed Orb Of Poison, 2x Orb Of Glowing
- Scrapper - Stone Sword, Spark Of Regeneration II, Golden Apple
- Trickster - Stone Sword, 3x Spark Of Invisibility
- Flanker - Stone Sword, Orb Of Cleansing, Spark Of Invisibility, 2x Spark Of Speed
- Healer - Knockback II Wooden Axe, 3x Orb Of Regeneration II, Orb Of Cleansing, Spark Of Invisibility
Slay (
Santa's Slay)
Default Items: Stone Sword, 10x Arrow
- Flanker - Bow, Timed Orb Of Harming II, 3x Spark Of Speed
- Baller - Bow, Timed Orb Of Harming II, Quick Timed Orb Of Posion
- Gadgeteer - Bow, Potion of Leaping, Spark Of Levitation
- Scrapper - Bow, Golden Apple, Orb Of Cleansing
- Sharpshooter - Quick Charge III Heavy Crossbow, Orb Of Cleansing
Default Items: Bow, 10x Arrow
- Flanker - Stone Sword, 4x Spark Of Speed
- Scrapper - Stone Sword , Timed Orb Of Harming II, Spark Of Regeneration II
- Healer - Knockback II Wooden Sword, 3x Orb Of Regeneration II, Spark Of Invisibility
- Sharpshooter - Quick Charge II Crossbow, 6x Arrow, Spark Of Speed
- Trickster - Wooden Axe, 2x TNT, 2x Spark Of Invisibility
Default Items: Bow, 7x Arrow
- Gadgeteer - Stone Sword, Timed Orb Of Harming II, Orb Of Glowing
- Baller - Stone Sword, , Short Timed Orb Of Poison, Quick Timed Orb Of Levitation
- Sharpshooter - Quick Charge I Crossbow, 6x Arrow, Quick Timed Orb Of Levitation
- Healer - Knockback II Wooden Sword, 3x Orb Of Regeneration II, Spark Of Invisibility
- Flanker - Stone Sword, Potion of Leaping, 2x Spark Of Speed
Default Items: 8x Arrow
- Scrapper - Stone Sword, Bow,Quick Timed Orb Of Blindness
- Healer - Wooden Sword, Bow, 2x Orb Of Glowing, 2x Orb of Regeneration II
- Trickster - Wooden Sword, Bow, 2x Spark Of Invisibility, 2x TNT
- Gadgeteer - Wooden Sword, Punch I Bow, Quick Timed Orb Of Levitation, Short Timed Orb Of Poison
- Flanker - Stone Sword, Bow, Spark Of Speed
Pumpkin Patch
Default Items: Bow, 10x Arrow, Spark Of Levitation II
- Sharpshooter - Quick Charge II Crossbow, 6x Arrow
- Healer - Wooden Sword, Bow, 2x Orb Of Regeneration II
- Flanker - Stone Sword, Bow, 4x Spark of Speed
- Scrapper - Stone Sword, Bow, Splash Potion of Harming
- Gadgeteer - Stone Sword, Timed Orb Of Harming II, Orb Of Glowing
Default Items: Stone Sword, 16x Arrow
- Flanker - Bow, Timed Orb Of Harming II, 3x Spark Of Speed
- Baller - Bow, , Short Timed Orb Of Poison, Quick Timed Orb Of Levitation
- Trickster - Punch I Bow, 4x Cobweb, Spark Of Regeneration II
- Sharpshooter - Quick Charge I Crossbow, Spark Of Speed
- Scrapper - Multishot Crossbow, Quick Timed Orb Of Levitation
Default Items: Stone Sword, Quick Timed Orb of Blindness, 8x Arrow
- Flanker - Bow, 4x Spark of Speed, Golden Apple
- Scrapper - Crossbow, Quick Timed Orb of Poison, Golden Apple
- Trickster - Punch I Bow, Quick Timed Orb of Poison, 2x Spark of Levitation
- Baller - Bow, 2x Quick Timed Orb of Poison, Orb of Cleansing
- Sharpshooter - Quick Charge I Heavy Crossbow, 3x Orb of Levitation, Orb of Cleansing
Default Items: Stone Sword, Crossbow, 8x Arrow
- Scrapper - Timed Orb of Harming, Quick Timed Orb of Blindness, Golden Apple
- Gadgeteer - 2x Orb of Glowing, Quick Timed Orb of Blindness, 6x Arrow
- Flanker - Quick Timed Orb of Poison, 3x Spark of Speed, Golden Apple
- Baller - 2x Quick Timed Orb of Poison, Orb of Levitation
- Trickster - Spark of Invisibility, Orb of Levitation, 4x Cobweb