Winter 2022

From MCC Island Wiki

Winter 2022 was the third in-game event on MCC Island, celebrating the Festive period. The event introduced a hub makeover, a Winter Calendar and three limited-time maps.

Winter Calendar[edit]

Winter 2022 Calendar.jpg

Alongside a snowy and festive makeover of the Hub, a Winter Calendar was available for the duration of the event. Between December 1st and December 25th, players could log-in each day and claim a reward from the calendar. Rewards from previous days could not be claimed. The rewards included Coins, Gems, Chroma Packs and Customization Kits.

Limited-time Maps[edit]

Two limited-time maps were available for the duration of the event after MC Championship 28. The limited-time maps were available 50% of the time in the first two days of release (after the MCC event), returning to the normal rate afterwards.

Icon BB.png Battle Box[edit]

Icon TGTTOS.png To Get To The Other Side[edit]