Patch 0.2.0

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0.2.0 was a major patch, which introduced several new maps, quest balancing and other changes.

Patch Notes

Welcome to patch 0.2.0!

It's been a very busy week for us, and we're super happy to see how much people are enjoying MCC Island. Hope these new maps and changes will help make the experience a bit smoother :)

New Maps!​


  • Beehive
  • Badlands

Battle Box

  • Mines

Sky Battle

  • Celestial

More info about the maps here:


  • Players now respawn at the spectator spawn point instead of their own after being eliminated in Sky Battle.
  • The “Leave” hotbar button in the post-game now removes you from your current queue automatically.
  • You can now open the hotbar menu icons from inside your vanilla Minecraft inventory (E by Default).
  • Fixed a bug where TNT and creepers would not cause damage to the user in Sky Battle and Battle Box.
  • Tweaked matchmaking slightly to help avoid the issue where your queue was resetting a few times before finally locking in the players for the next match.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck in the server queue for longer than they should.
  • Added new automatic server announcement messages to help give a bit more info about the Closed Beta and other things!
  • Fixed the issue where players were being rewarded with an outdated item “Golden Customisation Crates” - This isn’t an item in the current economy, and all of them have been removed from inventories, sorry!
  • Replaced steve and alex heads with a player icon on Bossbar and Scoreboard.
  • Fixed misalignment of tab menu dots with big names.
  • Improved speed of matchmaking teleportation.
  • Added some initial work for AFK-prevention in games.
  • Stability and performance improvements.

Quest Balancing

Many of our quests were taking relatively inconsistent amount of times to complete per rarity. These balancing changes should improve that, but we’ll continue to monitor and test!

  • Finalist in the Wall (Top 5) - Increased completion requirements by about 50%.
  • Champion in the Wall (Top 3) - Increased completion requirements by about 50%
  • Hole-y Maneuvers (Survive Walls) - Reduced completion requirements by about 25%
  • Finalist of the Other Side (Top 8 in a Game) - Roughly doubled quest completion requirements
  • Get to the Finalist Side (Top 8 in a Round) - Roughly doubled quest completion requirements
  • Champion of the Other Side (Top 5 in a Game) - Increased completion requirements by about 50%
  • Get to the Champion Side (Top 5 in a Round) - Increased completion requirements by about 50%
  • Battle Box Competitor (Play Games) - Slightly reduced completion requirements
  • Battle in the Box (Player Kills) - Reduced completion requirements by about 35-50% depending on rarity
  • Box From Afar (Ranged Player Kills) - Reduced completion requirements by about 30-50% depending on rarity
  • Boom Box (Explosive Kills) - Removed common and uncommon quest versions and reduced completion requirements of rare to legendary versions by about 50%.
  • Sky Battle Competitor (Play Games) - Increased completion requirements by about 30%
  • Battle in the Sky (Player Kills) - Increased completion requirements by about 50-80% depending on rarity
  • Sky Shots (Ranged Player Kills) Increased completion requirements by about 40-70% depending on rarity

Issues with quests we’re investigating

  • Certain specialized player kill quests (especially explosive kills) are currently too difficult, and we’re looking into making these more accessible and easier.
  • Due to there being more Sky Battle and Battle Box quests in the pool, you get these quests more frequently than quests for HITW and TGTTOS. We’re looking into ways of improving this out so you get a more even and balanced number of quests.
  • Battle Box Placement Quests are currently based on your personal score, and will soon instead be based on your team’s placement instead.
  • Sky Battle Placement Quests are currently improperly balanced, and will be fixed soon.

Battle Box

  • Reduced the wait time between rounds.

Block Glitching Fix

  • Previously block glitching was possible. This is where you can place a block anywhere in the map, then in the period of the 1- 2 ticks before it being removed you could jump on that block. This new change makes it so you can only place concrete in the capture point.

Sky Battle

  • Ceiling and floor borders now render much denser for nearby players which makes them easier to see.


  • Axes have been a bit too strong compared to the swords so we have changed each axe to a weaker material. Also axes will now only appear in tier 3 or 4 chests.
  • Netherite swords found in the middle tier 4 chest were too strong also, so it has been replaced with a diamond axe.
    • Netherite Sword → Diamond Axe
      Diamond Axe → Iron Axe
      Iron Axe → Stone Axe


  • Players who have finished the round are now marked with a tick instead of a skull.


  • Fixed misalignment of placements in the tab menu.