Patch 0.18.0

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Patch 0.18.0 was a major patch, overhauling plobbies including the Plobby Browser and the Team Manager. It also revamped the Navigator.

Patch Notes

Plobby Updates

  • Added a new Plobby Browser, allowing players to join public plobbies!
    • The browser is accessible through the Navigator.
    • A filter is included, so players can filter out individual games.

New Plobby Settings

  • Added a setting to set a maximum player count below the current game’s base limit.
    • This allows for nicer limits on public lobbies where you don’t want a 40-player game.
  • Added an Automatic option to the join pool, which will fill up the players up to the player limit first, and then fill up the spectators.
  • Added a Join by Username lobby type, which allows joining by typing /pl join <username>
  • Added a new button to decide whether the plobby should be listed on the Plobby Browser or not.
    • This setting is automatically disabled if a leader is AFK for 10 minutes to prevent the plobby browser from being filled with plobbies that won’t start.
  • Added a setting to show the plobby join code in the scoreboard.
  • Added a setting to auto-shuffle which players can play and which players are spectators after every game.
  • Added a setting to auto-kick offline players whenever you start queueing.
  • Added a setting to control whether kicked players should be able to rejoin the plobby.
  • Added a button to reset all settings on a page to the default value.
  • Maps can now be given weights, which determine how often they show up. This can be configured in a custom Advanced View of the map selection menu
  • Individual traps can now be enabled/disabled and given custom weights.
  • Individual modifiers can now be enabled/disabled and given custom weights.
  • Added a setting to disable punching in TGTTOS.
  • Added a setting to configure the number of rounds in TGTTOS that will have a modifier.
Battle Box
  • Added a setting to set the round amount in Battle Box between 1 and 3.
  • Added a setting to set the maximum number of players that can pick the same kit in Battle Box between 0 and 2.
    • If there are more players than kits, people will simply not get one.
    • If set to zero, there are no kits.
Sky Battle
  • Added a setting to disable fall damage in Sky Battle.
  • Added a setting to customise which items drop from crates in Dynaball.
    • Turning off all items will disable item crates.
    • You can customize the weights, which decides how often each item shows up.
    • Items will have their normal weights pre-assigned initially.

Team Manager

  • Intended for plobby power users!
  • It can be accessed in the new third tab in the main plobby menu.
  • Shows a list of teams and unassigned players/parties.
  • Allows you to organize players & parties into teams and assign colors to them.
  • The system automatically assigns teams & colors to any players you didn’t organize yourself.

Improvements to Big Plobbies

  • Added an extra click action to the start button to shuffle players manually.
  • You can now invite players to a plobby at any time!
    • Previously, you couldn’t invite/join a plobby while matchmaking or playing.
  • You can now add additional games to the Game List of the plobby by shift + left-clicking in the select games menu.
    • The next game is randomly selected whenever a previous game ends but can be manually overridden.
  • You can now hand plobby leadership over to another player that has MCC+ and is in the plobby.
    • This can be done with /pl transfer <target>.
    • If you are not the original leader of a plobby, changes made to settings are temporary.
  • Kicking players from a plobby now prevents them from joining again.
    • You have to disband and re-create the plobby if you want to let them back in.
    • This can be disabled in settings.
  • When a non-party leader attempts to join a plobby, their party leader receives a chat request allowing them to join easily.
    • This lets party players pick out a game from the Plobby Browser and neatly ask their party leader to join.
  • Sending invites to non-party leaders automatically forwards the request to the party leader.
  • Added a new general setting to automatically join the plobby chat when joining a plobby. This setting is enabled by default.
    • Players now receive a notification to join the plobby chat channel when joining, if they do not have this setting.
  • Join/leave notifications and scoreboard now separately show spectator amount.
  • You can no longer start a team game when all members are in a single party.
  • You can no longer invite players with an active matchmaking penalty to a plobby, or join a plobby while under a matchmaking penalty.
  • You can no longer invite players currently in another game to a plobby, or join a plobby while in a game.
  • Plobby join restrictions are now properly enforced even if you join a plobby indirectly through a party.
  • Handling of offline players has changed in a bunch of ways:
    • You can now start matchmaking even with offline players in the plobby.
    • Start requirements now factor in offline players completely, except the minimum players requirement. You need 4 online players to start a plobby.
    • Queueing is no longer interrupted by players leaving or joining the plobby.
    • Queueing is no longer interrupted by changing settings. (except map pools)
    • These changes should make for a better experience when people are often joining/leaving through the plobby browser.
  • Better error messages are now sent when trying to invite a party that has another player who can’t join the plobby for a reason.
  • You now get a warning when you have over the recommended amount of players for a certain game. Going above these recommendations may result in server lag.
  • Corrected wording on various incorrect error messages received when inviting/joining plobbies in obscure scenarios.
  • Renamed Party Invites setting to Invite Privacy and clarified it also affects plobby invitations.
  • The warning messages about players with matchmaking penalties and players that are in a different game now indicate which players are causing the warning.
  • Leaving a plobby as a party leader in the plobby leader’s party but not plobby leader no longer causes visual issues.
  • The game selection menu now shows the standard player limits instead of the plobby player limits, as the 4-40 limits apply to every game.

Visual Changes

  • The Navigator has been revamped with the top two popular games getting a spotlight!
  • Items in the post-game spectator inventory have moved slightly.
    • The Navigator is now available in the first slot instead of the spectating menu, so you can move on to the next game right away and not ruin your flow.

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • Faction XP is now always given out after a game; you should no longer have issues where leaving too early causes you to miss out on rewards!
    • If you’re not online, you will still receive the experience later.
    • If you leave before the recap message is shown, you also still receive it.
    • If you stay for the recap message, you are shown the experience receive animation.
  • Most games award experience when you die in the last round,
  • Animations now properly show above level 30.
  • The border in Sky Battle no longer deals downward damage.