(Redirected from 0.23.7)
Patch 0.23.7 was a minor patch that brought some balancing changes to Fishing, modified Dynaball's unstable TNT mechanic and fixed various other issues. This patch also raised the minimum version required to join the server from 1.20.3 to 1.21.
Fishing Changes
- Changed the "Frog Friend" cosmetic to be colorable.
- Added a hidden vendor to Coral Shores allowing 10:1 upcrafting of lures to ultralures for your convenience.
- Changed Polished Pearls to be more common, and Refined Spirits to be more rare.
- Changed fishing cosmetics (the ones that come from A.N.G.L.R. Treasure) to scavenge for A.N.G.L.R. Tokens instead of Silver. The Royal Rep these give is unchanged.
- Rebalanced A.N.G.L.R. Token obtainment
- Fish now scavenge for around 50% more tokens.
- Spirits are now worth 70% less when sold to the Resource Collector hidden vendor.
- Made all augments scavengable for 5 spirit of their corresponding type.
General Changes
- Plobby chat has been changed to a light orange color instead of the previous blue. We have received feedback from many players that they had issue reading the old color.
- Tweaked the unstable TNT mechanic in Dynaball. Actions other than shooting TNT now extend the timer by a fixed amount that does not scale with the alive players. Powder bombs now only change the timer by 1/4th the time as other items.
- This should avoid situations where players are able to drag out games by continuously waiting out the unstable ammo timer.
- You can now use /hub properly in limbo even when in a game.
- Fixed instances where rerolling a quest would keep progress from previous tasks.
- Fixed scrolls not progressing in stage as they should.
- Fixed quests and scrolls not completing when they should.
- Fixed another protocol error that would occur if disguised players participated in the final duel in Parkour Warrior: Survivor.
- Fixed issue where disguised players became visible after a game if they were spectating.
- Fixed action bar timer in Parkour Warrior: Dojo being inconsistent with when it gets shown.
- Fixed outline color on glowing party members when spectating TGTTOS.
- Fixed players moving in Red Light Green Light causing nearby players to also die due to the explosion dealing knockback.
- Fixed hat layers on the TAB menu not matching whether players have their hat layer enabled.
- Fixed inconsistent game name capitalization in quest and badge descriptions.
- Fixed some translation strings for various things across fishing.