(Redirected from 0.9.1)
0.9.1 was a minor patch, which brought with it small tweaks and fixes for Parkour Warrior Survivor.
Patch Notes
Patch 0.9.1 has just gone live! This patch contains a bunch of small fixes and tweaks for Parkour Warrior Survivor. We're so glad you're all enjoying it and hopefully this patch will make it even more fun too! Haven't played it yet? What are you waiting for?! Check out our release article for all you need to know about our brand new game mode!
- Increased the range in which nearby players are hidden, which makes it much easier to see where you’re jumping.
- Added some additional sounds to make everything feel a bit more celebratory! Finishing leaps is hard and that definitely deserves some celebration
- Increased the time between taking damage from 2s to 3s, meaning you now survive a lot longer when your health is reducing.
- Removed the score bonus for finishing a leap first as it was too confusing and didn’t provide much benefit.
- Fixed an issue that would cause disguises to be leaked in the final duel title. Disguises will still be revealed during the podium phase as normal.