This module is invoked by Template:Cosmetic to display a cosmetic's globalNumberOwned
ⓘ value, but only if ownership reporting is enabled in the API for that cosmetic. All globalNumberOwned
values can be found in this module's data page.
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local ownershipData = mw.loadData('Module:CosmeticOwnership/Data')
if not ownershipData then
return "Error: Unable to load data"
local p = {}
function p.getOwnershipNumber(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return ownershipData["cosmetics"][]
function p.getLastUpdatedDate()
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
return lang:formatDate( 'd F Y, h:i a', '@' .. ownershipData['last_updated'], false ) .. ' UTC'
function p.lastUpdatedIcon()
return string.format('<sup><abbr title="Value updated every 12 hours from MCC Island\'s API. Last updated on: %s" tabindex="0">ⓘ</abbr></sup>', p.getLastUpdatedDate())
return p