Patch 0.19.6

From MCC Island Wiki

Patch 0.19.6 was a minor patch, bringing some material economy balances, new hidden vendors and a few fixes.

Patch Notes

Material Economy Balances

  • Rebalanced Material Crates
    • Increased the value and cost of Material Crates by roughly 20%.
    • Now contain 7 materials instead of 5.
    • Chances of each material being uncommon or higher slightly reduced.
    • Chance to additionally get a Power Shard slightly reduced.
  • Substantially increased the chances of getting Material Cores from Uncommon, Rare, and Epic Reward Crates as well as the Meter Chest.
  • Materials now scavenge for 50% of their value in Material Dust, up from 30%.
  • Rebalanced most blueprint and fusion recipes to require less common materials and more uncommon materials in their place.
  • Since Material Crates were a big part of Treasure Chests value, Treasure Chests have also been slightly rebalanced to accommodate their value increase.

Other Fixes and Changes

  • Added a new hidden vendor to the island with an epic cosmetic to sell.
  • Fixed Rare Natural Cosmetics requiring Oceanic Materials, now require correct kind.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause /bugreport to fail.

Known Issues

  • Rumors of a Scavenger Rat having hacked into the Mythic Gate network, running an underground black market of severely up-marked blueprints for Mythic Gate Cosmetics, are being investigated. Póse Fashion advises caution when dealing with suspicious individuals in cases like these.