0.9.0 was a major patch, which brought with it an update to the hub and the new Parkour Warrior Survivor gamemode, as well as bug fixes and improvements.
Patch Notes
- NEW GAME: Parkour Warrior Survivor! Read all about it here: https://mcchampionship.com/threads/new-game-parkour-warrior-survivor.8465/
- The MCC Island hub has received a revamp to bring all your shopping needs closer to spawn! (Look to your left when you spawn in!)
- The tab list will now sort players who have prestiged higher than those who haven’t, based on how many times they have prestiged.
- The cost for any item/bundle will now be displayed on the “Purchase” button when you click on items.
- TGTTOS Crackshot, Early Birds and One Life modifiers are now enabled on Train Passing.
- All pumpkin heads are now correctly Zombie heads (yay!)
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Infinibag to still display Cosmetic Tokens after you claim them.
- Users who have been banned or changed their username can now be removed from the friends list.
- Fixed a small issue that could sometimes cause messages from players you have ignored to be visible after ignoring.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the tab list to fail to update when players leave/join the lobby.
- Fixed an issue that would cause your matchmaking boss bar to remain visible after you leave the queue.
- Fixed an issue that would rarely cause some progression messages (badges, game passes, etc.) to not display.
- Fixed an issue where the side of the Strawberry Bucket hat was incorrectly colored.
- Fixed an issue where the face on the Friend Shaped Popsicle wasn't rendering in 1st person.
- Fixed issues with the Demolitions Expert and Team Crusher badges.