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Patch 0.19.0

From MCC Island Wiki

Patch 0.19.0 was a major patch, which brought with it the release of Season 4: Ancient Jungle, new systems including an overhauled economy system, and a brand new game: Rocket Spleef Rush!

This patch came with two different patch note articles on the forums, one with economy related changes and additions and another with game additions & miscellaneous changes:

Patch Notes

Season 4

  • Introduced Season 4, "Ancient Jungle", with 34 new cosmetics.
  • Seasons now run for four months instead of three.
  • The Premium Battle Pass now costs 650 gems (450 -> 650 gems).
  • The Battle Pass has expanded to 100 total levels rather than 50.
    • More rewards including more Seasonal Tokens and cosmetics for both the Free and Premium road!
      • 3 sets of cosmetics on the premium road now instead of 2 (6 -> 9 total cosmetics).
  • The Battle Pass now only requires Island XP to level up - no more collecting points.
    • The amount of XP you can earn towards your pass has a daily cap.
      • This cap will be removed for the last few weeks of the season, allowing late-joiners a chance to catch up.
    • Once you complete the pass, that's it - no more Bonus Meter but you can still use the Seasonal Machine!
      • Tokens for the Seasonal Machine can be earned through the brand new Daily Meter.
  • Seasonal Shop and Machine changes:
    • Performing a pull on the Seasonal Machine now costs 10 Seasonal Tokens (25 -> 10 Seasonal Tokens).
    • The Seasonal Machine gives out either a random consumable item or a Seasonal Shard.
      • You can use this Seasonal Shard to buy seasonal cosmetics rather than receiving just cosmetics.
    • You can now earn every reward in the Seasonal Machine as many times as possible, instead of just once.
      • This means that there is no longer a limit on how many times you can pull the Seasonal Machine.
    • All of the 16 season-exclusive other cosmetics are now all purchasable from the Seasonal Shop.
      • These cosmetics are purchasable with Seasonal Shards, earned from the Battle Pass or the Seasonal Machine.
      • A Rare Cosmetic is 2 Seasonal Shards, an Epic is 4, and a Legendary is 6.
      • You can also buy Legacy Keys for 3 Seasonal Shards.

Rocket Spleef Rush

It's time to fire up those rockets and take to the skies! Rocket Spleef Rush has arrived on MCC Island!

What is Rocket Spleef Rush?

RSR is a PvP/Movement game where the aim is to stay alive and in the sky for as long as possible. 16 players fight in one 5-minute round to be the last player standing on the ever-shifting platforms. These platforms can be destroyed by rockets and also crumble away over time, with new ones spawning in to replace them!

Gameplay Mechanics

All players are armed with an elytra and a rocket launcher, as well as two updraft feathers, which launch players into the sky. Use these to stay in the sky and out of the void by gliding, rocket launching and taking out the other players.

Unlike in MCC Event, you can’t fly forever on these wings. As you glide, their durability decreases. Glide too long, and they’ll break, sending you falling into the endless void! To recover durability, you need to land for a few seconds. Using an updraft will also recover durability, but you only get two per game.

Every player starts with an empty rocket launcher which reloads rockets every couple of seconds, holding a maximum of three. These can be used to launch yourself into the sky, destroy blocks to catch out other players, or just fire them directly at your opponents. If a rocket connects with another player or if you manage to punch them, you shred part of their wings, lowering their durability.

Winning is easy - Survive! Anytime someone else dies, you get 25 score, and 50 score for eliminations! Individual placement depends on when you die to the void, like in HITW!

  • Rocket Spleef Rush is not releasing with a Game Pass this time as Noxcrew is preparing a new system for rewarding earning badges and playing games. Everything else is the same as always; Badges, quests, all that good stuff.


Rocket Spleef Rush launches with three maps:

  • Journey
  • Pyromancy
  • Cherry Blossom

Plobby Settings

There are a few settings available for plobbies running Rocket Spleef Rush. Only a few for now, but there will likely be more along the way:

  • You can disable the elytra durability mechanic.
  • You can disable punching.
  • You can set an ammo capacity between 1 and 3, defaults to 3.

Game Changes

New PVP Game items

There are a few new PVP items for Sky Battle and Battle Box.

  • Timed Orb of Poison
    • Like a healing orb… but deadly! This timed orb inflicts poison on anyone caught in its radius. It won’t kill you right away (unless someone gets a fabulously lucky shot off), but it will sap your health away slowly until a wooden sword could finish you off!
  • Orb of Cleansing
    • Sick of your opponent levitating out of combat? Want to pull them back to earth? The Orb of Cleansing has you covered.
    • If you, your teammates or your enemies are caught in this orb’s radius, any effects you’re currently under will be washed away as if they’ve drunk a wholesome bucket of milk. Poison will be cleared, regeneration and saturation will be halted (if you’re on the opposing team) and those with levitation will come crashing back into sword range… or into the void… depends where they are, I suppose.
  • Heavy Crossbow
    • The beefiest of all the crossbows, these weapons live up to their name and can’t be offhanded ‘cause they are heavy! However, if you can master them, this beast of a weapon shoots hard, able to devastate opponents and bring any enemy to heel.

Sky Battle

Sky Battle has received a new map: Yellow House.

Battle Box

Battle Box has received two new maps:

  • Rig
  • Classic

General Battle Box changes:

  • All normal crossbows now deal 3.5 hearts of damage instead of 4.5 hearts.
  • Players dying from a non-player now award kill coins split between all enemies in Battle Box.
  • Fixed team elimination message not being sent if a player disconnects.

Due to the new items, Battle Box kits have been tweaked:

  • Canal
    • Flanker - Replaced bow with heavy crossbow quick charge 2, reduced Sparks of Speed from 4 to 3
    • Trickster - Replaced bow with heavy crossbow, increased cobwebs from 4 to 6
  • Courtyard
    • Baller - Replace timed Orb of Harming with a short-timed Orbs of Poison.
    • Trickster - Added short-timed Orbs of Poison
  • Foundry
    • Gadgeteer - Reduced short-timed Orb of Blindness from 3 to 2
    • Baller - Reduced Orb of Levitation from 4 to 3
    • You can no longer land on the high terrain by using levitation.
  • Haunted House All Kits replaced crossbow with heavy crossbow quick charge 3
    • Baller - Replaced timed orb of harming with two short-timed Orbs of Poison, Increased Orb of Glowing from 1 to 2.
    • Scrapper - Replaced Orb of Glowing with a Golden Apple
    • Trickster - Increased Sparks of Invisibility from 2 to 3
    • Flanker - Reduced Sparks of Speed from 3 to 2, added Orb of Cleansing
    • Healer - Added Orb of Cleansing
  • Slay All kits now use a stone sword.
    • Baller - Replaced orb of glowing with short-timed Orb of Poison
    • Scrapper - Added Orb of Cleansing
    • Gadgeteer - Added Orb of Cleansing
    • Sharpshooter - Replaced crossbow with heavy crossbow quick charge 3, removed knockback on sword.
  • Gold Mine All kits now use a stone sword Reduced starting arrows from 16 to 8
    • Sharpshooter - Replaced crossbow with heavy crossbow quick charge 3, Increased Sparks of Speed from 1 to 2
    • Gadgeteer - Replaced crossbow with heavy crossbow quick charge 2
  • Pipes
    • Flanker - Replaced bow with heavy crossbow quick charge 2, increased Sparks of Speed from 2 to 3
    • Gadgeteer - Replaced bow with heavy crossbow quick charge 2
    • Scrapper - Replaced crossbow with heavy crossbow multishot 1, added one short-timed Orb of Poison
    • Baller - Added one short-timed Orb of Poison
    • Sharpshooter - Removed timed Orb of Harming, added 6 arrows.
  • Prison
    • Baller now Healer - Increased Orb of Regeneration from 1 to 2
    • Gadgeteer - Removed cobwebs, added short-timed Orb of Poison
    • Flanker - Increased Sparks of Speed from 1 to 3
  • Pumpkin Patch
    • Sharpshooter - Increased Crossbow from quick charge 1 to 2
  • Ships
    • Gadgeteer - Removed Spark of Regeneration
    • Baller - Replaced timed Orb of Harming with a short-timed Orb of Poison
  • Spa
    • Baller - Replaced timed Orb of Harming with a short-timed Orb of Poison
  • Train Station
    • Sharpshooter - Replaced Crossbow with Heavy Crossbow quick charge 3, replaced short timed Orb of Blindness with one Spark of Speed
    • Scrapper - Replaced crossbow with heavy crossbow multishot 1, added two short-timed Orbs of Poison
  • Villa
    • Healer - Decreased Orb of Regenerations from 3 to 2, removed extra arrows, added Orb of Cleansing
    • Gadgeteer - Increased TNT from 1 to 2

Hole in the Wall

Hole in the Wall's game code has been rewritten, which has fixed a number of bugs and will serve as a better basis for any future changes.

Other than the rewrite, the game has received some updates:

  • New wall type: Fakeout Walls!
    • They move super fast until they reach the platform, at which point they slow down a bit.
  • Wall types can now stack and apply on top of one another. This greatly increases the variety of behaviors walls can have. E.g. a sike wall can also be a returning wall.
  • Walls with similar speeds now move at the same rhythm
  • Walls from all previous difficulties can now be used to increase wall variety (heavily weighted to current difficulty)
  • All walls can now be flipped horizontally for a greater variety
  • Return walls now flip their pistons when reversing directions, both fixing various issues with phasing through retracting walls and removing the pistons from where you’re trying to jump
  • Return walls now move a few extra blocks before turning around earlier in the round
  • Sike walls will now sometimes wait until the platform is clear and continue moving without breaking
  • Walls can now be sent out in trickier combinations; keep an eye on every direction, as walls may come from anywhere at any time
  • Walls now move much faster later in the game
  • The platform will now shrink based on time elapsed in addition to players eliminated (whichever is higher)
  • Mobs no longer immediately attack when spawned
  • Mobs now properly target the nearest player
  • Mobs no longer target spectators
  • Adjusted the sandfall trap to fix various issues
    • Sand now stalls mid-air for a bit after spawning before dropping down to make them more visible while staying within view distance (falling sand does not always render when it spawns too far above you)
    • Sand now always drops on the platform instead of sometimes landing in the water
    • Added a particle when sand drops somewhere invalid (instead of just vanishing)
    • Sand is now properly destroyed by walls as they push through, instead of being removed when it comes within a few blocks of a wall
    • Lowered how much sand spawns as the sand is now more effective
    • Fixed issues with sand not getting properly removed when the trap ended
    • Fixed issue where walls would appear to be stuck behind sand

General Game Updates

  • The internal game engine Noxcrew uses for creating games has been upgraded:
    • This brings a large number of internal changes and minor visual differences.
    • Noxcrew is cleaning up some of the small differences between games to streamline the code.
    • Differences will be more noticeable in plobbies where various interactions related to spectators and players joining late have been fixed.
  • Game scoring now uses MCC Event’s system.
    • This brings along useful functionality where each time you are given score, there is always a message informing you about it.
    • This should provide additional clarity about the inner workings of the system for competitive players and tournaments.
    • Various small inconsistencies between the score values displayed in chat and the actual score given have been fixed.
      • This particularly affected Hole in the Wall points and Dynaball kill tracking, which were both very inaccurate.
  • Bossbars now use MCC Event’s system for timers, which shows additional context about the current timer that is active outside of rounds.
  • Performance optimizations:
    • The entity distance setting now also includes NPCs, holograms and text displays, which should result in fewer entities being rendered overall.
      • The new main hub design is also spread out more which should result in better client fps.
    • Made some optimizations to network traffic from custom entities and reduced it by about 60%.
    • Reduced the network traffic sent during games from various sources, especially in Parkour Warrior: Survivor.
    • On-screen UI elements are now drawn more efficiently which may slightly improve fps for users of vanilla clients.
    • Various server-side performance changes have been made as we are working on improving stability when playing in large plobbies.

New Island Hub

The main hub has been overhauled in order to make space for another Game Tunnel.

  • The island has been sectioned off into two distinct regions:
    • A Gaming District with all the game pipes.
    • A Shopping District with all the shops and crafting areas.
  • With everything much closer together and a lot more organised, it should be easier to find what you're looking for.
    • Still not sure where you need to go to build that blueprint? Most Infinibag Items now have Quick Warp - one click of the item, and you’ll be right where you need to be!

Crown Levels

Introducing Crown Levels - Combining all your skill, talent and style into one shining symbol of your glory!

  • Your Crown Level determines the color of your Champion’s Crown, which is displayed in several places;
    • Before your name in chat and in games (Eg. leaderboard, textboxes etc)
    • Above your head in your nametag
    • In the inspect menu, when you are inspected
  • At specific Crown Levels, your crown evolves in colour.
    • Each Crown Level is reached by collecting a certain amount of Trophies.
    • As you progress, levels will require exponentially more trophies to reach.
  • Trophies are now split into multiple types so players can see where you earned them.
    • Style Trophies are earned from
    • Skill Trophies are earned exclusively from unlocking badges.
      • All non-game badges (Royal Collector and Faction Badges) now give Bonus Trophies instead.
    • Bonus Trophies do not count towards your Champion Level, but can be earned from certain badges and cosmetics.
    • More types of trophies will be added in the future, as new systems come to the island.
  • Style Trophies also unlock cosmetics in the new Pose Secret Styles Shop!
    • You need a certain amount of Style Trophies to unlock each of the 25 new Cosmetics in the shop
      • These include five new mythics, and quite a few of your favorites returning from Closed Beta!
    • However, these cosmetics won’t come cheap, costing sizable amounts of coins and materials.
  • More types of trophies will be added in the future, as new systems come to the island.

Crown Levels are the ultimate way to show off your skill and power!

Factions Expanded, Rebalanced, and Island XP

The Faction system is mostly untouched and has been moved into your Player Profile, making it more of a symbol of team pride rather than general skill, showing your dedication to your team and rewarding you for it!

Faction XP -> Island XP

The first big faction change is Faction XP is being formally renamed to Island XP.

Faction XP progressed your faction level, but it also progressed your Meters and Passes, so the name has been changed to reflect that.

Island XP is now exclusively earned from playing minigames, not quests, with the amount based on how well you play and what actions you perform, such as PvP kills, etc. The amount you get from mini-games has been rebalanced, so you’ll still be earning the same amount of XP as you did through the Quest system, just without having to do them!

Faction Prestige and Rewards Rebalance

Factions are also now linked to one of four thematic pools that have emerged on the Island; Mechanical, Magical, Oceanic, or Natural - keep these in mind, they’ll be important later!

All rewards you receive when levelling up a faction will either be Chroma Packs or Material Crates of that type. For example, the Aqua Axolotls faction now gives Oceanic Chroma Packs and Material Crates. You’ll still get a Quest Scroll for a Faction Cosmetic at the midway point of each prestige, though, that hasn’t changed.

All Faction Emblem recipes have been changed to only cost the Emblem Shards you get from completing the Prestige Quest Scrolls - no materials or coins necessary! They also take less time to craft, so you can prestige faster!

Now that prestiging is a bit easier, rather than receiving a Mastery Key for completing the challenge, you’ll receive an Attuned Cosmetic Crate linked to your faction’s thematic pool, so you’re more likely to get something that matches your faction’s aesthetic!

Player Profile and UI overhaul

Say hello to your brand new hotbar! Gone is the Personal Menu, now it's all laid out in the hotbar to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for! As you can see, there are a few new icons there, so let’s go through them in order and find out what they do!

  • Navigator
    • The Navigator works just like it did before; use it to traverse the Island’s various locations, jump into game lobbies or queue up for games! It also shows which games are currently the most active, which Plobby’s are open and a mysterious question mark… a sign of something to come, I suppose…
  • The Journal
    • This little bound book replaces the old Quest Log and contains all your objectives and goals for the island!
      • This includes your Quest Log, Battlepass, Badges, Game Passes, and brand new Island Rewards menu!
  • Wardrobe
    • Your personal Player Profile and your wardrobe; all rolled into one! The Wardrobe is where you can find all your player information AND your Cosmetic Collections.
      • Opening it up will show off your Player Profile, where you can check out your equipped cosmetics and pinned badges as well as your Faction and Crown Levels, exactly how other players will see you! Clicking on your Faction Icon opens up Loyalty Road, so you can keep track of your standing with your faction and how close you are to prestiging!
      • You can also check out your cosmetics in their brand new Cosmetic Collections, your Royal Donations and Collections!
      • Clicking on your equipped cosmetics will now show you all the cosmetics of that type that you’ve unlocked, rather than just rows of locks. Also, if you have a cosmetic to claim, clicking the wardrobe will take you right to where you need to be, rather than struggling to find it!
  • Infinibag
    • The tabs have been moved to the bottom of the UI and made them more focused, ranging from seeing everything in the bag to focusing on Consumables, Blueprints, Materials, etc.
    • You also see your sleek new wallet, which easily shows you how much currency you have and how close you are to being able to purchase that sweet new cosmetic at Pose.
  • The Social Tab and Settings icons are all the same as they were before except for a fresh coat of paint!

Island Rewards

All ways to earn rewards have been gathered together in a nice, neat pile and all your goodies have been put in your Island Rewards menu - the new location of your Meter.

Daily Meter

Goodbye Currency Pouch, Crate Token, MCC+ Material Dust and Battlepass Bonus Meter, and hello Daily Meter, all 4 of your meters in one!

  • Your Daily Meter fills up with all the Island XP you earn as you play, and has seven possible claims each day, each requiring progressively more Island XP but with progressively better rewards, especially if you get the final claim!
    • These rewards come in the form of Reward Crates.
      • These crates contain coins, silver, and sometimes a random Core. These crates come in different rarities from basic common crates to legendary crates overflowing with goodies!
      • Any crates you receive from the Daily Meter are randomised in rarity, but you’re more likely to get a rare or higher crate the more you claim each day.
    • Your Daily Meter also gives out Seasonal Tokens with each claim. You don’t need to complete the Battlepass to do this; it just happens as you play, earning you up to 15 Season Tokens a day!
    • For MCC+ Players, the Daily Meter will give an extra 30 Material Dust and a bonus Season Token with every claim you make!
  • This meter resets every day so make sure you make the most out of it!

Meter Chest

  • Every seventh time you claim your Daily Meter, you’ll unlock the Meter Chest!
  • This chest gives you a tasty little payout, including some of those elusive Gems.
  • These claims don't reset between days, so you can make your seven claims across different play sessions or a single one if you’re feeling adventurous!
  • MCC+ players will get an extra something something in these chests as well.

Login Chest

Say goodbye to good old Daily Daisy, the Daily Freebie Shop is out, your fancy new Login Chest is in!

  • Claimed as soon as you log in. This chest will contain some tasty treats like coins and silver but could also contain cores!
    • Each consecutive day you claim this chest, your Login Streak increases, increasing the amount of rewards hiding in that chest.
      • Hit 15 days in a row, and you'll hit (and potentially maintain) the jackpot. But if you miss a day, your streak will reset to 0, and the rewards will be back at square one.
  • The MCC+ 10 Daily Gems are also claimed within this chest and will work as before holding up to 30 Gems, meaning you can miss some days and still claim those gems later on.

A whole new quest system

Your Quest log can now be found in the Journal and contains all your quests, milestones and more.

Quest Stages

Introducing Quest Stages!

  • Rather than ask for one huge task, rare or higher rarity quests may be split into stages, asking you to complete multiple smaller tasks to earn their rewards.
  • Completing a stage consists of completing one of the smaller tasks for that quest. Once that's done, you’ll automatically move on to the next one.
    • Complete all the smaller tasks, and you’ll finish the quest and claim its rewards!
  • The estimated duration of these tasks has been split up and rebalanced to ensure things remain fair and will be based on how rare the quest is.
  • This can occur across all quest types, daily, weekly and scrolls

Quest Tasks

Don’t worry; you aren’t going to be forced just to do HITW quests or which ever random game the quest gives you.

  • All quests, regardless of type, will now contain three different tasks for three different games you can complete. You only need to complete one of these tasks to complete the quest and earn your reward, just like Quest Scrolls!
    • For MCC+ players, one task with always be for a ‘favourite game’…if you have them selected, of course.
  • Quest tasks have had a massive rebalance, reworking or removing some of the more unfair tasks to make things a lot more balanced, especially for weekly quests.

Weekly Quests

  • Quests are now split between Daily and Weekly Quests.
  • In the right row of your Quest Log you’ll find your Weekly Quest.
    • Starting with two rare weekly quests with the ability to unlock an additional 2 Epic and 1 Legendary Weekly Quests.
    • If you previously unlocked these slots, they'll now contain weeklies, no need to reunlock them!
  • These quests will take slightly longer to complete.
    • They will offer far bigger rewards, up to 5x times more than a daily quest!

Quest Re-Rolls and Refreshes

Looking to reroll ANY quest, be it for a daily, weekly or scroll quest? All you need is a Task Refresh Token! Your new way of rerolling any quests!

  • Using a Refresh Token only rerolls the tasks for the stage you’re on and doesn’t make you re-do already completed stages.
  • Rolling each type of quest has a different cost.
    • Dailies cost one Refresh Token, scrolls cost two, and weeklies cost three.
    • Your free daily Re-rolls are unaffected by this change.
  • Quest Refreshers have been converted into Quest Refresh Tokens.
    • These refresh individual completed quests, rather than all of them, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally refreshing that weekly you’ve been working on.
  • The cost to refresh each quest scales based on the quest's rarity and type; the higher the rarity or the longer the quest, the more tokens you need to refresh it.
    • You can still hit the Refresh All button to refresh your completed quests, but it’ll cost tokens to do so - the more or rarer the quests you need to refresh, the more tokens you need to spend.
  • Common and uncommon dailies cannot be refreshed.

Quest Rewards

  • Instead of giving out coins and silver like before, completing a quest or a quest scroll rewards you with a Reward Crate based on the quest rarity - full of coins, silvers and potentially a random Core.
  • Completing a weekly quest gives you a base of 5 reward crates, whereas boosted quests will double the number of reward crates given - potentially bagging you ten Reward Crates!!
  • On top of this, Quests now rewards you with Quest XP when completed, exclusively progressing Questing Milestone rather than getting tangled up in with Island XP.

Questing Milestone Changes

Finally, in the big Questing revamp, Quest Milestones and the Boosted Quest Perk have been expanded from seven tiers to nine to help balance things out, seeing as a Boosted Weekly Quest can give 10X the amount of rewards!

Cosmetics, Collections & Wardrobe

  • The Wardrobe has been completely overhauled. Rather than sorting cosmetics by category (hats, accessories, etc.), all cosmetics are now sorted into Cosmetic Collections.
    • For example, all the nautical-themed cosmetics, such as hats, cloaks and accessories are put in one collection, spooky cosmetics in another, etc.
  • Unlocking each cosmetic rewards you with a smattering of Style Trophies.
    • If you unlock all the items in a collection, you’ll earn a huge bonus - just for looking fabulous!
  • Unlocking all cosmetics in a collection will earn you a large bonus of Style Trophies.
    • With this change, almost all cosmetics have been broken up from their Cosmetic Groups

Unlocking all cosmetics in a collection will earn you a large bonus of Style Trophies. With this change, almost all cosmetics have been broken up from their Cosmetic Groups.

  • Previously, “variants” of a cosmetic were stored in a single “cosmetic group”, sharing an icon in your wardrobe, and also sharing applied chromas.
  • Now, cosmetics no longer have groups, making it much easier to visualize what you have or haven’t unlocked, no longer hidden behind a submenu!
  • However, this means that each cosmetic has their own set of chromas, instead of them being shared with a group.
  • In this transition, if you previously had Chromas applied to a group of cosmetics, those chromas will transfer automatically to the first cosmetic in that group
  • All other cosmetics in that group will no longer have chromas until they are re-applied.


The Crate Machine has been removed and replaced with a more consistent way of giving out goodies: Cores!

  • Cores are used to craft Treasure Chests or Cosmetic Crates.
    • Combine 5 Cores in the Fusion Forge, and depending on their type and rarity, you’ll have a shiny box full of wonders in no time!
    • You can get your hands on these lovely new Cores from Reward Crates, Meter or Login Chests or the Seasonal Machine.
  • There are two types of Cores you can collect:
    • Treasure Cores - Ranging from Bronze and Silver to Gold, these cores are used to craft their respective Treasure Chests - the main source of non-cosmetic items like Material Crates, Quest Scrolls etc. The rarer the Treasure Chest, the greater the rewards!
    • Cosmetic Cores - Ranging from Common to Mythic, these cores are used to create Cosmetic Crates, Legacy Keys or Mythic Keys! Cosmetic Crates will always contain a Blueprint of the Crate’s Rarity

Mystic Gate and Legacy Machine changes

  • Legacy Keys used to open the Legacy Machine are now crafted using a mixture of Rare, Epic, and Legendary Cosmetic Cores, and have no additional costs.
    • The recipe to craft a Legacy Key is 50% cheaper than before, as the Legacy Machine now gives Blueprints for cosmetics instead of cosmetic tokens.
    • Otherwise, the machine is unchanged, working exactly as before, giving you a blueprint for a random legacy cosmetic you don’t already own.
  • Existing Legacy Keys can be scavenged to receive 2 of the new Legacy Keys, meaning you haven’t lost any value if you happen to have an unused one on you.
  • The Mastery Gate — now called the Mythic Gate, is also following suit, and now gives Blueprints for the mythic cosmetics instead of cosmetic tokens.
    • This change allows us to give out twice as many Mythic Cosmetic Keys used to open the gate, as they are now 50% cheaper.
  • Mythic Cosmetic Cores can be earned from sources like Treasure Chests, ****so you can get Mythic keys more often and consistently and at less cost!
  • Mastery Keys you have in your bag will cleanly scavenge into Mythic Gate Crates,
    • This crate contains a full cosmetic token for a random Mythic Cosmetic, just the same as before.
    • Additionally, Game Passes now give out a Mythic Gate Crate at level 25 instead of a key.

Material Economy and Crafting Improvements

Crafting and the materials you need to craft have had a massive overhaul, streamlining the process so you’re not stuck waiting to get materials to craft materials to assemble your blueprints!

Thematic Material Sets and Material Crates

We’ve removed the old batch of materials and replaced them with brand new ones, which have been divided into four new fancy sets - Mechanical, Magical, Oceanic, and Natural!

  • Each set contains one material of each rarity and is thematically linked to one of the 10 Factions.
  • The Crate Attunement Pools or the new Chroma Pack types, which have also been renamed to Mechanical (p. Thermal), Magical (p. Regal), Natural (p. Verdant), and Oceanic Packs!
    • For example, when you receive a Magical Cosmetic Blueprint, all the materials it requires to craft are Magical Materials. This also means that there are no more Chroma Components to worry about; all Cosmetics and Chroma Packs just need a set amount of thematic materials from their corresponding set!
  • You can get these new materials from Material Crates just like before but with a small change:
    • Rather than Material Crates being separated by rarity, they’re separated by theme, and they have far more than just materials inside.
    • An example: An Oceanic Material Crate will only ever be an Oceanic Crate and will always contain five random Oceanic Materials, 50-100 Material Dust, and, potentially, a random Power Shard.
  • With such massive changes to the material economy, all old materials have completely different values to the new ones.
    • In order to preserve the value players already had, ALL old materials (generics, clusters, power shards, everything) now scavenge into the new ones.
    • Most of these value matchups weren’t 1:1, so you may receive some additional Material Dust along with whatever you scavenge to make up the difference when necessary.
  • The Royal Outfit Store and Mountain Climber Hidden Vendor has had their prices rebalanced due to the material economy changes.

Fusion Forging Recipe Overhaul

  • All Fusion Forging recipes are strictly items and materials now! Crafting costs are completely gone.
  • Binding Gel has been removed, and Material Clusters now only require 1 of each material to craft, and nothing more.
  • With the introduction of the Cores system, Key Shards were no longer necessary, and so have been removed.
  • Chroma Packs are now craftable using a mixture of common, uncommon, and rare materials from their linked thematic set.
  • Prismatic Chroma Packs have had their recipe rebalanced to cost Material Clusters and Power Shards.
  • With the introduction of the thematic materials, Chroma Components and Chroma Clusters were no longer necessary, and so have been removed.
  • Cosmetic Crates are now craftable using 5 of the corresponding tier of Cosmetic Core.
  • Mythic Cosmetic Keys are now craftable using 5 Mythic Cosmetic Cores
  • Legacy Cosmetic Keys are now craftable using 6 Rare Cosmetic Cores, 4 Epic Cosmetic Cores, and 2 Legendary Cosmetic Cores.
  • Treasure Chests are now craftable using 5 of the corresponding tier of Treasure Core.
  • Power Shards can now be fused upwards 2:1 at no cost, since Binding Gel has been removed and crafting no longer costs coins.
  • Quest Scrolls are now fused upwards at a 3:1 rate instead of a 2:1 rate due to their rebalance.

Blueprint Assembler and Glimmering Relics

Following the Fusion Forge’s example, all Blueprints no longer have Crafting Costs.

  • To celebrate this change, a new blueprint is sneaking into the assembly line: Glimmering Relics — a new way to get Gems!
    • Scavenging these Glimmering Relics rewards the players with gems and massive amounts of coin.
    • You can find these blueprints in Treasure Chests if you’re lucky. They’re expensive, but they are worth it!
  • Blueprint recipes, in general, have been rebalanced to fit the new system, so check your blueprints for any changes!
  • Forge Catalysts and Assembler Overdrives have been combined into Crafting Catalysts and can be used in either station to reduce crafting time by 1 hour. Scavenging either of the old items will give you 2 Crafting Catalysts.

New Shops and Changes

Some new shops have popped up, and the existing ones have changed things up a bit!

  • Splinter's Supply and Blueprint Shops
    • A new shop has opened up in Splinters Workshop to help Rusty and his splintered family. Their latest venture sells Crafting Catalysts and Attunement Catalysts, previously called Attunement Shards and can be used at the Crate Attuner, in exchange for Power Shards.
      • It also sells Mystery Cosmetic Crates in exchange for Coins, which have an equal chance of containing any Cosmetic Blueprint of any rarity - You’re just as likely to get a legendary blueprint as you are a common one!
    • Finally, at Splinters, their Blueprint Shop now sells blueprints for six brand-new cosmetics.
  • Silver Central Stock Overhaul
    • In exchange for that precious silver you can now get your hands on all rarity of Treasure Chests, all the new types of Material Crates and Chroma Packs, Mystery Cosmetic and Relic Crates and Task Refresh Tokens!
  • Premium Trading Returns
    • They’ve been off travelling the world for a while, but the Premium Trading shop is back, with their shop stocked to bursting - if you’re willing to spend the gems!
    • Cosmetic Crates, Treasure Chests, Material Crates, Quest Scrolls - there’s very little that Premium Trading doesn’t stock!
  • Goodbye General Store and Treasure Hoard
    • As new shops take over, old stores fall to the wayside. Say farewell to the stalwart General Store, which goes to the great mall in the sky.
    • With the Blueprint Assembly or Fusion Forging no longer costing anything to craft, coins can now be spent either in Pose, or at the various hidden vendors across the Island, who have each added six new cosmetics across their stock to take advantage of this economy shift, or on Mystery Cosmetic Crates from Splinters.
    • The general rework of Treasure Chests did Treasure Hoard in. They’re supplying all the other shops now, so they can’t complain too hard, I guess.

Bug Fixes & Quality of Life changes

  • The Reconfiguring screen is now skipped when switching servers on 1.20.4.
  • Overtime music now plays when a few players remain or when the timer is almost over, instead of only when both conditions hold (event parity).
  • The TAB list now shows the game type in all games, e.g. it’ll show TGTTOS (SOLO) or BATTLE BOX (QUAD).
  • The TAB list now automatically changes its layout to fit all players in the game; this allows for better support of large plobbies.
  • Fixed issues where the TAB list did not properly update in team games in large plobbies.
  • Fixed various inconsistencies in the TAB list layout between games.
  • Fixed issues where the TAB list did not properly balance players between the left and right column.
  • Fixed issues with placement-based statistics where they would increment multiple times from one game.
  • Fixed issue where no scores were given in big HITW or TGTTOS plobbies.
  • Fixed issues where placement differed between the TAB list and the podium in Sky Battle, Dynaball or Hole in the Wall.
  • Fixed various minor visual issues with boss bars in games not scaling well to different game sizes.
  • Fixed an issue where creepers dealt more damage in Sky Battle than intended, as their damage was bypassing armor protection.
  • Fixed orb effects applying to spectators.
  • Fixed the Ultimate Comeback badge in TGTTOS being given out if you touched the void between rounds.
  • Fixed an issue where the Leap Completion timer in PW: Survivor was inaccurate when other players start a leap before you.
  • Fixed issue that allowed you to get beds or signs in Sky Battle.
  • Fixed issue where Sky Lord was only given if you died afterwards.
  • Fixed scoreboard in lobbies not displaying the correct icons around players’ names.
  • Fixed an issue in Dynaball where players receiving TNT with a full inventory would cause TNT to go missing.
  • Fixed an issue in Dynaball where TNT Rain would stop.
  • Fixed an issue where Friends menu wouldn’t update properly when removing friends.
  • Fixed issue where switching to your current faction started the lockout timer.

MCC Island API

Alongside the Season 4 update, Noxcrew has announced and released their development API for MCC Island.

If you're a keen coder, head over to their GitHub page for more information on how to get started making your own projects using the API.

To make your stats visible in the API, you'll need to enable the corresponding settings in the new "API" tab of the settings menu in-game. You can find the settings menu by doing /settings.